It is the design that update and show the test result when all the
test cases completed. It causes a problem that user must wait long time
if all the test cases take long time to complete.
Suggest to update the test result by one test case complete, the flow:
1. Retrieve the test plan from Testlink
2. Update and show all the test cases list of the test plan in the "Status" Page, the case status is "Not Run"
3. Update the "Status" Page when a test case is running, show the expect time and elapsed time, and the progress
4. Update the "Status" Page when a test case is completed, show the test result "Passed", "Failed", or "Blocked", and the spent time, and link of the tap file/directory
5. In the test case list table of the "Status" page, it is better add columns of each Testlink build name, to compare the test result of each build
Case ID |
Case Name |
Build #1 Result |
Build #2 Result |
Last Build Result |
progress bar |
elapsed time |
Hi Bruno,
I read the and understood why in your current implementation the "Status" page or the "TestLink Action" page doesn't shows the runtime result result until iterated all the test cases. It seems that you call addAction() to attach the final test report to the build, it is called "Persistent actions". So it is available after all the test cases completed. To adopt my proposal, it seems that it is needed to add TransientBuildActionFactory to create the temporary action in order to update the test report. I have questions that when the transient action to be renewed or updated, and how to use TransientBuildActionFactory to reach it? What's your comment?