New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
When "Trigger a parameterized build" is used in a promotion step, there is no link to the parameterized build that was actually started.
In the promotion, it looks like this following:
Building on master in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Main Build/workspace
Promoting Main Build #222
build hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.BuildTrigger@25765df0 SUCCESS
Marking build to keep forever.
build hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.KeepBuildForeverAction@7e114ac6 SUCCESS
Finished: SUCCESS
The parameterized trigger succeeded, and the build started. But, in the build that is triggered, you get this:
Started by upstream project "Main Build/promotion/Triggered Build" build number 32
originally caused by: Legacy code started this job. No cause information is available
There are no actual links between the build that was promoted, and the build that was triggered by the promotion.
I think it would be very useful if there were links between the 2, in the same way that upstream / downstream builds are linked such that you can figure out which build caused another build.
- is related to
JENKINS-5679 Promotion plugin does not run parameterized builds
- Resolved
JENKINS-1765 Promotion is not taking place
- Closed
[JENKINS-17751] Link from triggering promotion to triggered build
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When called as a publisher of a job, ParameterrizedTrigger launches downstream jobs by registering them to DependencyGraph.
When called in a promotion, ParameterrizedTrigger launches downstream jobs by itself.
This difference seems make downstram builds lose their upstram build.
In the promotion process, PromotedBuild doesn't trigger DependencyGraph. It is the reason ParameterrizedTrigger launches downstream jobs by itself. It is mentioned in the comment in hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.BuildTrigger.canDeclare, and seems reported in Hudson-5679.
(I could not access that page, however...)
On the other hand, used hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger, the upstream build can be tracked from downstram builds even called in the promotion process.
This is for PromotedBuilds treats hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger in a special way. This is done in
JENKINS-1765(and HUDSON-1765), patched in 88920e3.There could be two ways to improve ParameterrizedTrigger with PromotedBuilds.
The latter one is better as a design, but I'm not sure ParameterrizedTrigger can retrieve the original build of the promotion.