New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Dimension , Oracle10, AIX 5.3
This issue requests that the ability to create a baseline using a request baseline-template be added to the Jenkins Dimensions Plugin. Currently it does not provide this functionality.
Original Issue Text was:
We try to integrate Dimension plugin into our build process using "Tagging a Successful build in Dimensions" feature without success. The build passed correctly then baseline taggin step failed:.
FATAL: Unable to tag build in Dimensions - Dimension command failed -
(CBL "SDO:F01_00_000_TESTTIP_ALL_SOCLE_V5" /WORKSET="SDO:F01_00_000" /SCOPE=PART /TEMPLATE_ID="CE_ENCIC98" /PART="SDO:SDO.A;1" /TYPE="BL_CIC" /DESCRIPTION="Baseline created by Hudson/Jenkins for job 'SDO_100' - build 3")
(Baseline SDO:F01_00_000_TESTTIP_ALL_SOCLE_V5 has been forwarded to XXXXX
PCM0005318E Error: You have not specified any Requests or Requirements to process
Build step 'Tag successful builds in Dimensions as a baseline' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Tag successful builds in Dimensions as a baseline' marked build as failure
1) Anyone got this problem yet? Where is the problem?
2) How can be overcome this problem?
Finnally, I think the option /CHANGE_DOC_IDS of CBL command is missing in this feature (for example: tag a DM baseline from a successful build with DM_REQUEST parameter)
Many thanks
Gia bao
Creating a baseline using a request baseline-template is unimplemented as of dimensionsscm-0.8.12.