Resolution: Unresolved
JENKINS-9399 changed the Jenkins from using LaunchAgents to LaunchDaemons because, at the time, there were problems with running as an agent and using LaunchDaemons seems like the right approach.
Two years later, it's pretty clear that using LaunchDaemons creates a whole host of problems which (I argue) are worse than using LaunchAgents in the first place. LaunchDaemons cannot launch GUI applications which means you cannot unit test iOS applications or launch with XCode "instructions"... both of which are in high demand.
Anyway, I believe I discovered a way for us to have the best of both worlds: using LaunchAgents, having it auto-launch on boot, and preventing it from running under other users. I believe this will solve all outstanding problems.
- Configure Jenkins to use LaunchAgents (reverse
JENKINS-9399). - Install the plist into ~/Library/LaunchAgents instead of /Library/LaunchAgents to prevent it from getting triggered by other users logging in.
- Configure the Jenkins user to auto-login on startup, but return to the login menu immediately: http://www.tuaw.com/2011/03/07/terminally-geeky-use-automatic-login-more-securely/
We might want to gather some requirements or user stories for the Jenkins Mac installer.
My humble opinion is the only people who want to run Jenkins on Mac are iOS developers. (And Mac developers but there are few of those and their needs might be very similar to iOS developers.)
People who do cross-platform development and need to build their software for multiple platforms need to set up Windows, Mac and Linux build servers. They will probably run Jenkins master either on Windows or Linux and run a slave on Mac. Thus we do not need to worry about these people.
The iOS developers have some special needs (which I do not know exactly because I haven't done any real development for iOS so feel free to add to the list or set me straight.)
It seems to me the most common use cases for Jenkins master on Mac require that Jenkins has access to GUI login session. This means Jenkins master must be executed either as a launch agent (which are meant for background processes) or within a context of a GUI app wrapper (if we want something visible in Dock or menu bar.)
The security aspect of having a Jenkins master with a logged-in user with a GUI session must be addressed separately. I do not believe we can provide a solution that fits everyone's needs. Maybe we can just give hints on how to solve it: put the Mac in a locked room, set up screensaver with short timeout or the trick mentioned above in the ticket description or maybe something else.