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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-21705

Promoting a different job sets PROMOTED_BUILD incorrectly.

      I'm triggering a promotion from a nightly job.
      I want the latest successful build of a different job to be promoted.
      In this case, build 106 of the Server-build-develop job is being promoted:

      Started by user XXX
      Building on master in workspace /u0/jenkins/jobs/Server-nightly/workspace
      Promoting Server-nightly #7 42570e81
      Copied 598 artifacts from "Server-build-develop" build number 106
      build hudson.plugins.copyartifact.CopyArtifact@11fb4e35 SUCCESS

      However, the "copy artifacts", specified by "permalink" and "last successful build", and this destination:

      Evaluates ${PROMOTED_BUILD} to the build number of the Server-nightly, not the Server-build-develop (106).

      I would think it should pull the PROMOTED_BUILD number for the build number of the job it's promoting, not the currently running job.

          [JENKINS-21705] Promoting a different job sets PROMOTED_BUILD incorrectly.

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