Resolution: Fixed
Ubuntu 12.04
Apparently a separator fix for latest version (2.11.1) broke how paths are built, and this leads to failed builds on Linux slaves.
[android] Ensuring platform(s) are installed: [android-8, android-19]
$ /home/jenkins/android-sdk-linux/tools/android list target
[android] Ensuring platform(s) are installed: [android-8, android-19]
$ /home/jenkins/android-sdk-linux\tools\android list target
FATAL: Cannot run program "/home/jenkins/android-sdk-linux\tools\android": error=2, No such file or directory
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/home/jenkins/android-sdk-linux\tools\android": error=2, No such file or directory
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-23346 Path to android-sdk subfolders is incorrect
- Closed
JENKINS-27072 Mismatched separators for Android SDK paths
- Closed
JENKINS-24956 Path Seperator on OSX. using $HOME + tools path causes problems
- Closed
any word on this?
I am currently stuck because latest won't work on my linux slaves without this regression fixed, while the old version doesn't work anymore since Google introduced brackets in their image names :/
id: 16 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19"
Name: Google APIs (x86 System Image)
When creating a new image of course the file system doesn't allow brackets. Is new version able to cope with that btw?