Resolution: Duplicate
Platform: Macintosh, OS: All
Upgraded from 1.228 to 1.252, on notification that project-based matrix authorization was available.
Once I switch from matrix to project-matrix, and restart hudson, two things happen:
1) even though I have given anonymous read and build access, any access attempt redirects to the login
2) when I login, although I have every checkbox checked, I get the error mentioned in the summary: Granted Authorities: is missing Read. That error, in full:
org.acegisecurity.providers.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken@c7ebecf6: Username:
org.acegisecurity.userdetails.ldap.LdapUserDetailsImpl@15517e5e; Password: [PROTECTED];
Authenticated: true; Details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffc7f0c: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: e10a539733d193a2dd19756d5ccb2d42; Granted Authorities: is missing Read
Configuration: hudson run from the jar (debian, via startup script). Normally, LDAP security (works for
matrix, but above results for project-matrix; results identical when switched to Hudson's private user
Other attempts to debug:
1) tried to correct the (egregious) misspelling of 'permissions' as 'permisisons' in config.xml. This
causes an exception to be thrown on parse, so presumably it's reading the same misspelling that it's
writing, tending to suggest that this is not the fault.
2) enabled all permissions for anonymous user, including administer. Still failed. Still redirects to the
login screen, even though not-logged-in-users should be able to administer hudson in this
3) attempted to debug config.xml, looking for a "Read" permission without appropriate reference to the
defined admins (I'm an XML geek, so pointy brackets are soothing when life has become otherwise
miserable). Shockingly complicated stuff you've got in there; especially shocking given the quantum
leap in complexity from .228. Gave up on that one; it's a twisty maze of references, all different.
So, I'm kind of stuck. I gather, from the blog that informed me of the new functionality, that this works
... for some people. Turning on project-matrix security completely disables access, in my environment.
- duplicates
JENKINS-2329 Access Denied (Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy)
- Closed