Let's table the CLI issue for now. I can reproduce the issue and have a working hypothesis about the reason, will file this separately if I can get confirmation later today. Workaround: Use an SSH key for authentication.
Re my testing: That was
- via the GUI (both clicking the management link and navigating to /quietDown manually),
- with security enabled,
- CSRF crumb enabled/disabled did not make any difference,
- anonymous having NO permissions,
- on 1.572 and 1.573.
- Jenkins running on CentOS, OpenJDK 7, embedded Jetty
Should be easy enough to set up an ad-hoc Jenkins instance on a local desktop or so and use Jenkins internal user DB to test whether the issue occurs there as well. Don't have a Windows box right now to reproduce your setup (and no Websphere for that matter!)
I understand that but I am obviously passing in the credentials much like that should be passed to the /quietDown URL when logged in from the screens. I feel this is the issue that the credentials are not properly supplied and generating the error HTTP 405 as well as the cli throwing the error thinking that I am anonymous which doesn't have the proper permissions where my username does have the proper permissions. With you saying this is working in 1.572 and 1.573 is your instance configured with security and the anonymous account not having the overall/administer permission? Can you try to change that and see if your errors like this?