If workload to implement some syntax verification for the options/makros used in plugins is to great, please close this issue with appropriate comment attached. As mentioned, in text editors some verification is used tracking if brackets or other special characters are used in tandems, opening/closing given functionality completing the correct syntax.
A small thing like a missing , or " may be difficult and very frustrating to track in bigger jobs if the proper syntax is not used. An assumption that the person using a given plugin, knows correct syntax is spot on, but we are all human and mistakes lie in our nature.
Nevertheless this could be an interesting option in the future releases.
Thanks for the time and support.
The problem is that it doesn't fail to evaluate. It expects a string (to compare to a list of values that are considered to mean "true"), and a string is what it got. It's no different than not building when the value entered is foo or hello world.