Resolution: Won't Fix
plugin v1.5.0
In the Listviewcolumn that shows overall passed/failed tests in project listing we see stats about "all tests", but in fact, what I am really interested about is the "critical tests" (the non-critical tests are usually known failing tests for me). I would like to see the critical tests only in the project listing.
Here is a real use case: I have a list of project. One of them is unstable because several tests failed. If I look at the "Robot Results" column, I see something like "42 / 50 passed" but in fact I may have 7 non-critical tests in this project, so I have only 1 critical test that failed. Problem is that I have to go to the project page to have this information.
Could we add an option in the configuration of the plugin to drive that?
I could try to implement it.