There seems to be an error in the snippet generated for logParser in the Pipeline Syntax page. I generated the snippet
logParser parsingRulesPath: 'D:\\Jenkins_Log_Parser_Files\\my_global_parse_rule', useProjectRule: false
which gives me the error
WorkflowScript: 73: Missing required parameter: "projectRulePath" @ line 73, column 13.
logParser parsingRulesPath: 'D:\\Jenkins_Log_Parser_Files\\my_global_parse_rule', useProjectRule: false
to the end of the snippet fixes this error.
In addition, why is the path in the logParser call instead of the name of the rule, as specified in a none-pipeline job or in the snippet generator itself? This will be hell for me if the drive location of the global log parser rule ever changes...
PS: I know it's a lot of work to keep this stuff up-to-date, but IMHO, further documentation is needed (not just for this plugin). E.g. there is an option showGraphs ( with no explanation. I tried it, hoping it might give me maybe parsing on step level, and found no effect.
Code changed in jenkins
User: Manuel Recena
JENKINS-27208 Wrong indent