Resolution: Won't Fix
Jenkins v1.602
CVS Plug-in 2.12
Using CVS plugin to get the nightly changes of my project is returning duplicate entries. It looks like it might be breaking the commit in smaller bunches of changes.
I don't think that it is the correct behaviour, as the changes should return just one commit at time.
For example, the changes page of my project is returning:
#75 (Mar 18, 2015 6:08:51 AM)
Big commit - gerson23
Big commit - gerson23
Big commit - gerson23
Big commit - gerson23
Big commit - gerson23
Big commit - gerson23
Big commit - gerson23
Although I have just one commit called Big commit, the page shows some, and each one has a different bunch of the files originally changed.
This is a general issue with CVS - commits are done by file rather than as a change-set with multiple files under a single commit potentially having different commit timestamps depending on how long CVS taks to process them. Trying to merge file commits into a single change-set may result in two different changes with the same commiter and commit message being merged into a single change incorrectly, so we only attempt to merge commits with an identical timestamp, user and commit comment.