New Feature
Resolution: Duplicate
Original reporter vernyquartara
When creating a new multibranch job, the names of the subjobs are inferred from the repository path.
For example, if the repo root is http://mysvn.com/repo/* and the include branch expression is branches/, then all the subjobs will be named using the prefix branches/.
This is not always wanted, for example in the case of a multi-project repository layout, such as
- http://mysvn.com/repo/branches/branch1/project-name
- http://mysvn.com/repo/branches/branch2/project-name
- http://mysvn.com/repo/branches/branch3/project-name
the job will have 3 subjobs named branches/branch1/project-name, branches/branch2/project-name, branches/branch3/project-name.
IMHO The user should be able to configure the naming using a configuration option, like a regular expression. For example in the above scenario, using a regex _branches/(.)/._ the subjobs will be called simply branch1, branch2, branch3.
This issue looks like an enanchement but I noticed that _subjobs defaults names cause an error into the downstream job that uses the copy-artifact plugin_, (the upstream artifact couldn't be found), so perhaps is more likely a bug.
- duplicates
JENKINS-34564 Give the ability to choose how the multibranch subprojects will be named.
- Resolved