New Feature
Resolution: Won't Fix
MSTest plugin 0.19. Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, Emma pplugin 1.29
I have 5 test projects in my solution. I'm building my test results and code coverage with the script below.
$projectFolders = ls Sources\*.Test* | % { $_.Name } foreach ($projectName in $projectFolders) { vstest.console.exe "Sources\$projectName\bin\Dev\$projectName.dll" /Logger:trx /EnableCodeCoverage /Platform:x64 } $trxFiles = ls TestResults -Recurse -Include *.trx foreach ($trxFile in $trxFiles) { $testdataFolder = $trxFile.FullName -replace '.trx$','' $coverageFile = ls $testdataFolder -Recurse -Include *.coverage if ($coverageFile.Count -gt 0) { $outFolder = join-path $testdataFolder Out mkdir $outFolder | out-null mv $trxFile.FullName $outFolder C:\Util\CoverageConverter\CoverageConverter.exe $coverageFile.FullName (join-path $outFolder vstest.coveragexml) } }
This creates 5 folders in TestResults named like glompix_MACHINENAME 2016-03-11 17_38_57\Out\. You can see the glompix_MACHINENAME_etc.trx, vstest.coveragexml, and emma\coverage.xml files.
However, only part of my solution shows up in code coverage. If I target a single project, it works like a charm. It seems the results aren't being merged correctly.