batmat can we move the discussion of the terminology for 'upgrading' jenkins 1 to 2 to this ticket: JENKINS-33663 ? there will be changes to the procedure, and I think text changes are appropriate to be included there. If you are seeing this banner with a NEW installation, there's a bug, it's not supposed to happen, which is why the term 'upgrading' is included.
Could you verify the latest build addresses both of the excessive wait time issues for you I've lowered the default timeout to 20 seconds? You should expect to see: 20 second wait time at first, and a 20 second wait time when first loading the wizard. We could lower it more, I don't know what a reasonable minimum is, though... even 10 seconds seems long to me... either Jekins can connect to an external site in 10 seconds or there are probably some network issues, that's probably a decision for a different ticket.
s/Jenkins v2/Jenkins 2
s/you need/
Also, I'd like a yellow roof for the bikeshed.