Add a configuration option (active by default maybe) to build an artificial merge commit generated by merging the PR head commit and the target branch commit.

          [JENKINS-34931] Build merge commit instead of PR head

          Andrew Bayer added a comment -

          There's interest in being able to have webhook-triggered non-PR builds build the specific commit from the event rather than HEAD as well.

          Andrew Bayer added a comment - There's interest in being able to have webhook-triggered non-PR builds build the specific commit from the event rather than HEAD as well.

          Nenad Miksa added a comment -

          We also need this feature. Currently we have a workaround which creates a local merge commit if env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("PR-"). It would be better if this is done automatically.

          Nenad Miksa added a comment - We also need this feature. Currently we have a workaround which creates a local merge commit if env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("PR-"). It would be better if this is done automatically.

          Kevin Smets added a comment -

          dodoent how can you get the target branch to merge with? Haven't found a solution for that so I would be happy to use your workaround for the time being .

          Kevin Smets added a comment - dodoent how can you get the target branch to merge with? Haven't found a solution for that so I would be happy to use your workaround for the time being .

          Nenad Miksa added a comment -

          kevin_smets, its kind of hardcoded with forward compatibility with current bug in bitbucket branch source plugin :

          // hardcoded global variable
          def targetBranch = "master"
          // then later in node before doing a checkout:
          if(env.CHANGE_TARGET != null) {
              targetBranch = env.CHANGE_TARGET

          Here is the entire workaround, which uses merge before build when building pull request and also using different fastforward strategies based on global nonFFBranches set which is hardcoded in Jenkinsfile (it would be nice to be able to configure that in plugin settings):

          node {
                      if(env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("PR-")) {
                          if(env.CHANGE_TARGET != null) {
                              targetBranch = env.CHANGE_TARGET
                          echo "Source branches: ${scm.branches[0].name}"
                          def ffMode = 'FF_ONLY'
                          if(nonFFBranches.contains(scm.branches[0].name)) {
                              ffMode = 'NO_FF'
                          // do a full clone with merge before build when building pull request
                              $class: 'GitSCM',
                              branches: scm.branches,
                              doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: scm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations,
                              extensions: scm.extensions + [[$class: 'CloneOption', noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false, depth: 0, timeout: 60], [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'], [$class: 'CheckoutOption', timeout: 60], [$class: 'PreBuildMerge', options: [mergeRemote: 'origin', mergeTarget: targetBranch, fastForwardMode: ffMode]]],
                              submoduleCfg: [],
                              userRemoteConfigs: scm.userRemoteConfigs,
                              browser: [$class: 'BitbucketWeb', repoUrl: '']
                      } else {
                          // do a shallow clone when building feature branch HEAD
                              $class: 'GitSCM',
                              branches: scm.branches,
                              doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: scm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations,
                              extensions: scm.extensions + [[$class: 'CloneOption', noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: true, depth: 1, timeout: 60], [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'], [$class: 'CheckoutOption', timeout: 60]],
                              submoduleCfg: [],
                              userRemoteConfigs: scm.userRemoteConfigs,
                              browser: [$class: 'BitbucketWeb', repoUrl: '']

          This workaround requires approval of certain methods in In-Process Script Approval Jenkins settings (namely, access to scm variable getters).

          Nenad Miksa added a comment - kevin_smets , its kind of hardcoded with forward compatibility with current bug in bitbucket branch source plugin : // hardcoded global variable def targetBranch = "master" // then later in node before doing a checkout: if (env.CHANGE_TARGET != null ) { targetBranch = env.CHANGE_TARGET } Here is the entire workaround, which uses merge before build when building pull request and also using different fastforward strategies based on global nonFFBranches set which is hardcoded in Jenkinsfile (it would be nice to be able to configure that in plugin settings): node { if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith( "PR-" )) { if (env.CHANGE_TARGET != null ) { targetBranch = env.CHANGE_TARGET } echo "Source branches: ${scm.branches[0].name}" def ffMode = 'FF_ONLY' if (nonFFBranches.contains(scm.branches[0].name)) { ffMode = 'NO_FF' } // do a full clone with merge before build when building pull request checkout([ $class: 'GitSCM' , branches: scm.branches, doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: scm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations, extensions: scm.extensions + [[$class: 'CloneOption' , noTags: false , reference: '', shallow: false , depth: 0, timeout: 60], [$class: ' PruneStaleBranch '], [$class: ' CheckoutOption ', timeout: 60], [$class: ' PreBuildMerge ', options: [mergeRemote: ' origin', mergeTarget: targetBranch, fastForwardMode: ffMode]]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: scm.userRemoteConfigs, browser: [$class: 'BitbucketWeb' , repoUrl: 'https: //' ] ]) } else { // do a shallow clone when building feature branch HEAD checkout([ $class: 'GitSCM' , branches: scm.branches, doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: scm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations, extensions: scm.extensions + [[$class: 'CloneOption' , noTags: false , reference: '', shallow: true , depth: 1, timeout: 60], [$class: ' PruneStaleBranch '], [$class: ' CheckoutOption', timeout: 60]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: scm.userRemoteConfigs, browser: [$class: 'BitbucketWeb' , repoUrl: 'https: //' ] ]) } } This workaround requires approval of certain methods in In-Process Script Approval Jenkins settings (namely, access to scm variable getters).

          Nenad Miksa added a comment -

          kevin_smets, we have updated our workaround to work correctly, i.e. it can now resolve the PR target. We use curl and jsawk with Bitbucket API to get info about pull request in question. Here is the code:

          def getPullRequestID() {
              return env.BRANCH_NAME.substring(3)
          def obtainBitbucketToken() {
              try {
                  echo "Obtaining BitBucket Access Token"
                  sh "curl -s -X POST -u \"${getBitbucketOAuthKey()}:${getBitbucketOAuthSecret()}\" -d grant_type=client_credentials | jsawk 'return this.access_token' | tr -d \"\\n\" > accessToken.txt"
                  def accessToken = readFile 'accessToken.txt'
                  echo "BitBucket Token request response: ${accessToken}"
                  return accessToken
              } catch (error) {
                  echo "Failed to obtain BitBucket access token!"
                  return null
          def getPullRequestTargetAndSourceCommit(String accessToken, String repository, String pullRequestID) {
              try {
                  sh "curl -s -X GET${repository}/pullrequests/${pullRequestID} -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${accessToken}\" > pullRequestInfo.json"
                  sh "cat pullRequestInfo.json | jsawk 'return this.source.commit.hash' | tr -d '\\n' > commitID.txt"
                  sh "cat pullRequestInfo.json | jsawk 'return' | tr -d '\\n' > destinationBranch.txt"
                  return [commitHash: readFile('commitID.txt'), destinationBranch: readFile('destinationBranch.txt')]
              } catch (error) {
                  echo "Failed to obtain pull request target and source commit. Reason: ${error}"
                  return null

          This can be used like this:

          def accessToken = obtainBitbucketToken()
          def pullRequestID = getPullRequestID()
          def prInfo = getPullRequestTargetAndSourceCommit(accessToken, repository, pullRequestID)
          def targetBranch = 'master'
          if (prInfo != null) {
              targetBranch = prInfo.destinationBranch

          This code needs to be executed on unix node which has curl and jsawk tools installed. We tried parsing JSON with Groovy's builtin JsonSlurper, but it kept crashing with serialization errors even when used entirely from within function marked with @NonCPS.

          The getPullRequestTargetAndSourceCommit method also returns commit hash which can be used to notify build status to BitBucket, as described in this comment:

          By using curl to directly communicate with BitBucket API we have additional flexibility, like support for approving/unapproving pull requests and much more.

          Nenad Miksa added a comment - kevin_smets , we have updated our workaround to work correctly, i.e. it can now resolve the PR target. We use curl and jsawk with Bitbucket API to get info about pull request in question. Here is the code: def getPullRequestID() { return env.BRANCH_NAME.substring(3) } def obtainBitbucketToken() { try { echo "Obtaining BitBucket Access Token" sh "curl -s -X POST https: // -u \" ${getBitbucketOAuthKey()}:${getBitbucketOAuthSecret()}\ " -d grant_type=client_credentials | jsawk ' return this .access_token' | tr -d \" \\n\ " > accessToken.txt" def accessToken = readFile 'accessToken.txt' echo "BitBucket Token request response: ${accessToken}" return accessToken } catch (error) { echo "Failed to obtain BitBucket access token!" return null } } def getPullRequestTargetAndSourceCommit( String accessToken, String repository, String pullRequestID) { try { sh "curl -s -X GET https: //${repository}/pullrequests/${pullRequestID} -H \" Authorization: Bearer ${accessToken}\ " > pullRequestInfo.json" sh "cat pullRequestInfo.json | jsawk ' return this .source.commit.hash' | tr -d '\\n' > commitID.txt" sh "cat pullRequestInfo.json | jsawk ' return this' | tr -d '\\n' > destinationBranch.txt" return [commitHash: readFile( 'commitID.txt' ), destinationBranch: readFile( 'destinationBranch.txt' )] } catch (error) { echo "Failed to obtain pull request target and source commit. Reason: ${error}" return null } } This can be used like this: def accessToken = obtainBitbucketToken() def pullRequestID = getPullRequestID() def prInfo = getPullRequestTargetAndSourceCommit(accessToken, repository, pullRequestID) def targetBranch = 'master' if (prInfo != null ) { targetBranch = prInfo.destinationBranch } This code needs to be executed on unix node which has curl and jsawk tools installed. We tried parsing JSON with Groovy's builtin JsonSlurper, but it kept crashing with serialization errors even when used entirely from within function marked with @NonCPS. The getPullRequestTargetAndSourceCommit method also returns commit hash which can be used to notify build status to BitBucket, as described in this comment: By using curl to directly communicate with BitBucket API we have additional flexibility, like support for approving/unapproving pull requests and much more.

          Is this a duplicate of JENKINS-36283 ?

          Nicholas Brown added a comment - Is this a duplicate of JENKINS-36283 ?

          This is a subset of JENKINS-36283. Let's keep it around for now.

          Antonio Muñiz added a comment - This is a subset of JENKINS-36283 . Let's keep it around for now.

          Kevin Smets added a comment -

          dodoent thank you very much for posting that! Looking into implementing this finally .

          Kevin Smets added a comment - dodoent thank you very much for posting that! Looking into implementing this finally .

            amuniz Antonio Muñiz
            amuniz Antonio Muñiz
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