Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 1.642.2
Folders Plugin 5.11
Batch Task Plugin 1.17
When using folders (plugin), the batch tasks to be triggered must be referenced with an absolute path: while the task suggestion field works fine with a relative job path during configuration, the batch task is not properly configured in the later screens.
Let's consider a folder named aFolder with a job named aJob; that job has a batch task named aBatchTask
On http://.../jenkins/job/aFolder/job/aJob/configure :
Add an Invoke batch tasks post build step with two tasks, one absolute and one relative:
- Project: /aFolder/aJob
- Task: aBatchTask
- Project: aJob
- Task: aBatchTask
On http://.../jenkins/job/aFolder/job/aJob :
The "Downstream Tasks" lists:
- aFolder » aJob » aBatchTask
- Invalid entry: aJob » aBatchTask
An absolute job reference seems to be required here.
jcarsique I don't think there is any issue here - only that your project name is not /aFolder/aJob but aFolder/aJob.
If you go to this job: http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/aFolder/job/aJob - you should have a section which tells you: Full project name: - this is indeed the name of the project you should use.
Can you try this and close this Jira issue in case I am right, please?