Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver 2.22
Blue Ocean 1.0.0-b25
Other plugins (if necessary):
version: '0.5.0'
version: '2.16.0'
version: '6.0.2'
version: '2.15.5'
version: '1.6'
version: '1.20'
version: '1.5'
version: '1.3'
version: '1.2'
version: '1.1.1'
version: '1.20'
version: '1.14'
version: '2.0'
version: '1.6'
version: '2.0.3'
version: '1.4'
version: '1.26'
version: '1.7.1'
version: '1.17.1'
version: '2.1.13'
version: '2.9'
version: '1.3'
version: '1.10'
version: '1.8.7'
version: '0.3'
version: '1.4'
version: '1.25'
version: '2.12'
version: '1.1'
version: '2.13'
version: '2.3'
version: '1.2.1'
version: '1.1'
version: '2.4'
version: '2.1.0'
version: '2.29'
version: '2.5'
version: '2.2'
version: '2.10'
version: '1.3'
version: '2.1'
version: '1.1.1'
version: '1.1.1'
version: '2.1'
version: '1.12'
version: '2.3.0'
version: '1.7'
version: '2.7'
version: '2.0.7'
version: '2.13'
version: '1.13'
version: '2.9'
version: '2.4'
version: '2.4'
version: '1.85'
version: '3.1.0'
version: '1.26.1'
version: '2.0.4'
version: '1.6'
version: '1.13'
version: ''
version: '2.6'
version: '1.15'
version: '2.57.1'
version: '1.3'
version: '1.5'
version: '1.9'
version: '1.7.3'
version: '1.1'
version: '2.7.3'
version: ''
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '2.0.4'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.2'
version: '1.15'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '0.1-preview-4'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.2'
version: '2.13'
version: '1.26'
version: '1.4'
version: '2.13'
version: '2.8.2'
version: '2.15'
version: '2.2'
version: '0.10.10'
version: '1.10.50'
version: '1.37'
version: ''
version: '3.0.0'
version: '2.0'
version: '1.0.0'
version: '1.2.2'
version: '1.12'
version: '1.0'
version: '1.5.1'
version: '0.6'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.0-b25'
version: '1.0.2'
version: '1.0.2'
version: '1.0.2'
version: '1.7'
version: '1.9.8'
version: '1.8.1'Jenkins ver 2.22 Blue Ocean 1.0.0-b25 Other plugins (if necessary): 'ansicolor': version: '0.5.0' 'bouncycastle-api': version: '2.16.0' 'cloudbees-folder': version: '6.0.2' 'config-file-provider': version: '2.15.5' 'structs': version: '1.6' 'junit': version: '1.20' 'antisamy-markup-formatter': version: '1.5' 'pam-auth': version: '1.3' 'windows-slaves': version: '1.2' 'display-url-api': version: '1.1.1' 'mailer': version: '1.20' 'ldap': version: '1.14' 'token-macro': version: '2.0' 'external-monitor-job': version: '1.6' 'icon-shim': version: '2.0.3' 'matrix-auth': version: '1.4' 'script-security': version: '1.26' 'matrix-project': version: '1.7.1' 'build-timeout': version: '1.17.1' 'credentials': version: '2.1.13' 'workflow-step-api': version: '2.9' 'plain-credentials': version: '1.3' 'credentials-binding': version: '1.10' 'timestamper': version: '1.8.7' 'ws-cleanup': version: '0.3' 'ant': version: '1.4' 'gradle': version: '1.25' 'workflow-api': version: '2.12' 'pipeline-milestone-step': version: '1.1' 'workflow-support': version: '2.13' 'pipeline-build-step': version: '2.3' 'jquery-detached': version: '1.2.1' 'ace-editor': version: '1.1' 'workflow-scm-step': version: '2.4' 'scm-api': version: '2.1.0' 'workflow-cps': version: '2.29' 'pipeline-input-step': version: '2.5' 'pipeline-stage-step': version: '2.2' 'workflow-job': version: '2.10' 'pipeline-graph-analysis': version: '1.3' 'pipeline-rest-api': version: '2.1' 'handlebars': version: '1.1.1' 'momentjs': version: '1.1.1' 'pipeline-stage-view': version: '2.1' 'ssh-credentials': version: '1.12' 'git-client': version: '2.3.0' 'git-server': version: '1.7' 'workflow-cps-global-lib': version: '2.7' 'branch-api': version: '2.0.7' 'workflow-multibranch': version: '2.13' 'durable-task': version: '1.13' 'workflow-durable-task-step': version: '2.9' 'workflow-basic-steps': version: '2.4' 'workflow-aggregator': version: '2.4' 'github-api': version: '1.85' 'git': version: '3.1.0' 'github': version: '1.26.1' 'github-branch-source': version: '2.0.4' 'github-organization-folder': version: '1.6' 'ssh-agent': version: '1.13' 'mapdb-api': version: '' 'subversion': version: '2.6' 'ssh-slaves': version: '1.15' 'email-ext': version: '2.57.1' 'authentication-tokens': version: '1.3' 'docker-commons': version: '1.5' 'docker-workflow': version: '1.9' 'build-blocker-plugin': version: '1.7.3' 'variant': version: '1.1' 'jackson2-api': version: '2.7.3' 'metrics': version: '' 'blueocean-web': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-commons': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-rest': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-config': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-jwt': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'favorite': version: '2.0.4' 'blueocean-rest-impl': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'pipeline-model-definition': version: '1.0.2' 'sse-gateway': version: '1.15' 'blueocean-pipeline-api-impl': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-events': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-personalization': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-dashboard': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-pipeline-editor': version: '0.1-preview-4' 'blueocean-github-pipeline': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'http-post': version: '1.2' 'config-file-provider': version: '2.13' 'ivy': version: '1.26' 'javadoc': version: '1.4' 'maven-plugin': version: '2.13' 'artifactory': version: '2.8.2' 'jobConfigHistory': version: '2.15' 'swarm': version: '2.2' 's3': version: '0.10.10' 'aws-java-sdk': version: '1.10.50' 'copyartifact': version: '1.37' 'metrics': version: '' 'metrics-graphite': version: '3.0.0' 'performance': version: '2.0' 'hipchat': version: '1.0.0' 'hockeyapp': version: '1.2.2' 'htmlpublisher': version: '1.12' 'pipeline-github-lib': version: '1.0' 'blueocean-display-url': version: '1.5.1' 'blueocean-autofavorite': version: '0.6' 'blueocean-i18n': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'blueocean-git-pipeline': version: '1.0.0-b25' 'pipeline-model-api': version: '1.0.2' 'pipeline-model-declarative-agent': version: '1.0.2' 'pipeline-stage-tags-metadata': version: '1.0.2' 'pubsub-light': version: '1.7' 'cobertura': version: '1.9.8' 'versionnumber': version: '1.8.1'
Blue Ocean - 1.1-beta-1, Blue Ocean - 1.1-beta2
In Scope
- Add a replayable property that checks if the run can be replayed
- This propagates the ReplayAction's has a isEnabled state to the UI
- It turns out the behavior we saw in
JENKINS-37880is legitimate and isEnabled takes that case into account - we can kill two birds with one stone here!
- Update the replay component so that instead of checking for a Pipeline capability to hide/show the button, we use replayable on the run model
If a build does not have the "replay" functionality available in the old UI, the "re-run" button in blue ocean still shows up, but does nothing and gives no obvious error to the user when clicked. This often happens when the initial checkout fails, or if the build is cancelled before the checkout finishes.
UI errors are as follows:
POST https://<redacted>/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/ops/pipelines/puppet-modules/branches/master/runs/728/replay/ 500 (Server Error)
(anonymous) @ VM1470:1
request @ blueocean.js:2436
dedupe @ blueocean.js:7715
dedupe @ blueocean.js:7738
rawFetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2448
fetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2516
replayRun @ blueocean.js:4903
_onReplayClick @ blueocean.js:1568
onClick @ blueocean.js:1612
invokeGuardedCallback @ blueocean.js:87861
executeDispatch @ blueocean.js:79985
executeDispatchesInOrder @ blueocean.js:80005
executeDispatchesAndRelease @ blueocean.js:79462
executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ blueocean.js:79473
forEachAccumulated @ blueocean.js:94130
processEventQueue @ blueocean.js:79649
runEventQueueInBatch @ blueocean.js:87919
handleTopLevel @ blueocean.js:87930
handleTopLevelImpl @ blueocean.js:87997
perform @ blueocean.js:93514
batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:87197
batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:91413
dispatchEvent @ blueocean.js:88074
blueocean.js:2313 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server Error
at checkStatus (blueocean.js:2313)
checkStatus @ blueocean.js:2313
{ "message" : "Run was not added to queue.", "code" : 500, "errors" : [ ] }
How to reproduce: Check out a large enough repository that it can't finish checking out the build before you can cancel (a few hundred MBs seems to be enough for me). Trigger a build, then cancel it as fast as you can. It should be marked as a failure, not as aborted. If you've done this properly, when you go to the build in the old UI, it won't display the "Replay" button on the left. Next, go to Blue Ocean and hit "re-run". It also fails if you try to re-run from a favorite card, but the "build" button will work from a favorite card.
Easy Solutions?: Maybe the fallback behaviour should be it switches to the "build" button if replay is unavailable, since that does still work from the favorite cards if this happens? At the very least some sort of notification of failure should be presented to the user.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-44633 Blue Ocean offers to replay a build that cannot be replayed
- Closed
JENKINS-42994 In some situations, the 're-run' button will not trigger a build and not give any feedback of failure.
- Closed
JENKINS-37880 Starting, stopping and replaying a run in quick succession does not work
- Closed
[JENKINS-42997] Rerun button shows on UI even when the run cannot be rerun - enhance to have a replayable property
Description |
Description: If a build does not have the "replay" functionality available in the old UI, the "re-run" button in blue ocean still shows up, but does nothing and gives no obvious error to the user when clicked. This often happens when the initial checkout fails, or if the build is cancelled before the checkout finishes. UI errors are as follows: POST https://<redacted>/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/ops/pipelines/puppet-modules/branches/master/runs/728/replay/ 500 (Server Error) (anonymous) @ VM1470:1 request @ blueocean.js:2436 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7715 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7738 rawFetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2448 fetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2516 replayRun @ blueocean.js:4903 _onReplayClick @ blueocean.js:1568 onClick @ blueocean.js:1612 invokeGuardedCallback @ blueocean.js:87861 executeDispatch @ blueocean.js:79985 executeDispatchesInOrder @ blueocean.js:80005 executeDispatchesAndRelease @ blueocean.js:79462 executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ blueocean.js:79473 forEachAccumulated @ blueocean.js:94130 processEventQueue @ blueocean.js:79649 runEventQueueInBatch @ blueocean.js:87919 handleTopLevel @ blueocean.js:87930 handleTopLevelImpl @ blueocean.js:87997 perform @ blueocean.js:93514 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:87197 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:91413 dispatchEvent @ blueocean.js:88074 blueocean.js:2313 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server Error at checkStatus (blueocean.js:2313) checkStatus @ blueocean.js:2313 Response: \{ "message" : "Run was not added to queue.", "code" : 500, "errors" : [ ] } How to reproduce: Check out a large enough repository that it can't finish checking out the build before you can cancel (a few hundred MBs seems to be enough for me). Trigger a build, then cancel it as fast as you can. It should be marked as a failure, not as aborted. If you've done this properly, when you go to the build in the old UI, it won't display the "Replay" button on the left. Next, go to Blue Ocean and hit "re-run". It also fails if you try to re-run from a favorite card, but the "build" button will work from a favorite card. Here is a gif of the bug: [http://imgur.com/NLpYhqg] Easy Solutions?: Maybe the fallback behaviour should be it switches to the "build" button if replay is unavailable, since that does still work from the favorite cards if this happens? At the very least some sort of notification of failure should be presented to the user. |
Description: If a build does not have the "replay" functionality available in the old UI, the "re-run" button in blue ocean still shows up, but does nothing and gives no obvious error to the user when clicked. This often happens when the initial checkout fails, or if the build is cancelled before the checkout finishes. UI errors are as follows: POST https://<redacted>/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/ops/pipelines/puppet-modules/branches/master/runs/728/replay/ 500 (Server Error) (anonymous) @ VM1470:1 request @ blueocean.js:2436 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7715 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7738 rawFetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2448 fetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2516 replayRun @ blueocean.js:4903 _onReplayClick @ blueocean.js:1568 onClick @ blueocean.js:1612 invokeGuardedCallback @ blueocean.js:87861 executeDispatch @ blueocean.js:79985 executeDispatchesInOrder @ blueocean.js:80005 executeDispatchesAndRelease @ blueocean.js:79462 executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ blueocean.js:79473 forEachAccumulated @ blueocean.js:94130 processEventQueue @ blueocean.js:79649 runEventQueueInBatch @ blueocean.js:87919 handleTopLevel @ blueocean.js:87930 handleTopLevelImpl @ blueocean.js:87997 perform @ blueocean.js:93514 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:87197 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:91413 dispatchEvent @ blueocean.js:88074 blueocean.js:2313 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server Error at checkStatus (blueocean.js:2313) checkStatus @ blueocean.js:2313 Response: \{ "message" : "Run was not added to queue.", "code" : 500, "errors" : [ ] } How to reproduce: Check out a large enough repository that it can't finish checking out the build before you can cancel (a few hundred MBs seems to be enough for me). Trigger a build, then cancel it as fast as you can. It should be marked as a failure, not as aborted. If you've done this properly, when you go to the build in the old UI, it won't display the "Replay" button on the left. Next, go to Blue Ocean and hit "re-run". It also fails if you try to re-run from a favorite card, but the "build" button will work from a favorite card. Easy Solutions?: Maybe the fallback behaviour should be it switches to the "build" button if replay is unavailable, since that does still work from the favorite cards if this happens? At the very least some sort of notification of failure should be presented to the user. |
Description |
Description: If a build does not have the "replay" functionality available in the old UI, the "re-run" button in blue ocean still shows up, but does nothing and gives no obvious error to the user when clicked. This often happens when the initial checkout fails, or if the build is cancelled before the checkout finishes. UI errors are as follows: POST https://<redacted>/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/ops/pipelines/puppet-modules/branches/master/runs/728/replay/ 500 (Server Error) (anonymous) @ VM1470:1 request @ blueocean.js:2436 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7715 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7738 rawFetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2448 fetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2516 replayRun @ blueocean.js:4903 _onReplayClick @ blueocean.js:1568 onClick @ blueocean.js:1612 invokeGuardedCallback @ blueocean.js:87861 executeDispatch @ blueocean.js:79985 executeDispatchesInOrder @ blueocean.js:80005 executeDispatchesAndRelease @ blueocean.js:79462 executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ blueocean.js:79473 forEachAccumulated @ blueocean.js:94130 processEventQueue @ blueocean.js:79649 runEventQueueInBatch @ blueocean.js:87919 handleTopLevel @ blueocean.js:87930 handleTopLevelImpl @ blueocean.js:87997 perform @ blueocean.js:93514 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:87197 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:91413 dispatchEvent @ blueocean.js:88074 blueocean.js:2313 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server Error at checkStatus (blueocean.js:2313) checkStatus @ blueocean.js:2313 Response: \{ "message" : "Run was not added to queue.", "code" : 500, "errors" : [ ] } How to reproduce: Check out a large enough repository that it can't finish checking out the build before you can cancel (a few hundred MBs seems to be enough for me). Trigger a build, then cancel it as fast as you can. It should be marked as a failure, not as aborted. If you've done this properly, when you go to the build in the old UI, it won't display the "Replay" button on the left. Next, go to Blue Ocean and hit "re-run". It also fails if you try to re-run from a favorite card, but the "build" button will work from a favorite card. Easy Solutions?: Maybe the fallback behaviour should be it switches to the "build" button if replay is unavailable, since that does still work from the favorite cards if this happens? At the very least some sort of notification of failure should be presented to the user. |
*Problem* If a build does not have the "replay" functionality available in the old UI, the "re-run" button in blue ocean still shows up, but does nothing and gives no obvious error to the user when clicked. This often happens when the initial checkout fails, or if the build is cancelled before the checkout finishes. UI errors are as follows: {code} POST https://<redacted>/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/ops/pipelines/puppet-modules/branches/master/runs/728/replay/ 500 (Server Error) (anonymous) @ VM1470:1 request @ blueocean.js:2436 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7715 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7738 rawFetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2448 fetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2516 replayRun @ blueocean.js:4903 _onReplayClick @ blueocean.js:1568 onClick @ blueocean.js:1612 invokeGuardedCallback @ blueocean.js:87861 executeDispatch @ blueocean.js:79985 executeDispatchesInOrder @ blueocean.js:80005 executeDispatchesAndRelease @ blueocean.js:79462 executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ blueocean.js:79473 forEachAccumulated @ blueocean.js:94130 processEventQueue @ blueocean.js:79649 runEventQueueInBatch @ blueocean.js:87919 handleTopLevel @ blueocean.js:87930 handleTopLevelImpl @ blueocean.js:87997 perform @ blueocean.js:93514 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:87197 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:91413 dispatchEvent @ blueocean.js:88074 blueocean.js:2313 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server Error at checkStatus (blueocean.js:2313) checkStatus @ blueocean.js:2313 {code} {code} Response: {code} { "message" : "Run was not added to queue.", "code" : 500, "errors" : [ ] } {code} How to reproduce: Check out a large enough repository that it can't finish checking out the build before you can cancel (a few hundred MBs seems to be enough for me). Trigger a build, then cancel it as fast as you can. It should be marked as a failure, not as aborted. If you've done this properly, when you go to the build in the old UI, it won't display the "Replay" button on the left. Next, go to Blue Ocean and hit "re-run". It also fails if you try to re-run from a favorite card, but the "build" button will work from a favorite card. Easy Solutions?: Maybe the fallback behaviour should be it switches to the "build" button if replay is unavailable, since that does still work from the favorite cards if this happens? At the very least some sort of notification of failure should be presented to the user. |
Summary | Original: Re-run button does nothing if replay is unavailable for build | New: Rerun button shows on UI even when the run cannot be rerun |
Description |
*Problem* If a build does not have the "replay" functionality available in the old UI, the "re-run" button in blue ocean still shows up, but does nothing and gives no obvious error to the user when clicked. This often happens when the initial checkout fails, or if the build is cancelled before the checkout finishes. UI errors are as follows: {code} POST https://<redacted>/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/ops/pipelines/puppet-modules/branches/master/runs/728/replay/ 500 (Server Error) (anonymous) @ VM1470:1 request @ blueocean.js:2436 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7715 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7738 rawFetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2448 fetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2516 replayRun @ blueocean.js:4903 _onReplayClick @ blueocean.js:1568 onClick @ blueocean.js:1612 invokeGuardedCallback @ blueocean.js:87861 executeDispatch @ blueocean.js:79985 executeDispatchesInOrder @ blueocean.js:80005 executeDispatchesAndRelease @ blueocean.js:79462 executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ blueocean.js:79473 forEachAccumulated @ blueocean.js:94130 processEventQueue @ blueocean.js:79649 runEventQueueInBatch @ blueocean.js:87919 handleTopLevel @ blueocean.js:87930 handleTopLevelImpl @ blueocean.js:87997 perform @ blueocean.js:93514 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:87197 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:91413 dispatchEvent @ blueocean.js:88074 blueocean.js:2313 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server Error at checkStatus (blueocean.js:2313) checkStatus @ blueocean.js:2313 {code} {code} Response: {code} { "message" : "Run was not added to queue.", "code" : 500, "errors" : [ ] } {code} How to reproduce: Check out a large enough repository that it can't finish checking out the build before you can cancel (a few hundred MBs seems to be enough for me). Trigger a build, then cancel it as fast as you can. It should be marked as a failure, not as aborted. If you've done this properly, when you go to the build in the old UI, it won't display the "Replay" button on the left. Next, go to Blue Ocean and hit "re-run". It also fails if you try to re-run from a favorite card, but the "build" button will work from a favorite card. Easy Solutions?: Maybe the fallback behaviour should be it switches to the "build" button if replay is unavailable, since that does still work from the favorite cards if this happens? At the very least some sort of notification of failure should be presented to the user. |
*Problem* If a build does not have the "replay" functionality available in the old UI, the "re-run" button in blue ocean still shows up, but does nothing and gives no obvious error to the user when clicked. This often happens when the initial checkout fails, or if the build is cancelled before the checkout finishes. UI errors are as follows: {code} POST https://<redacted>/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/ops/pipelines/puppet-modules/branches/master/runs/728/replay/ 500 (Server Error) (anonymous) @ VM1470:1 request @ blueocean.js:2436 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7715 dedupe @ blueocean.js:7738 rawFetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2448 fetchJSON @ blueocean.js:2516 replayRun @ blueocean.js:4903 _onReplayClick @ blueocean.js:1568 onClick @ blueocean.js:1612 invokeGuardedCallback @ blueocean.js:87861 executeDispatch @ blueocean.js:79985 executeDispatchesInOrder @ blueocean.js:80005 executeDispatchesAndRelease @ blueocean.js:79462 executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel @ blueocean.js:79473 forEachAccumulated @ blueocean.js:94130 processEventQueue @ blueocean.js:79649 runEventQueueInBatch @ blueocean.js:87919 handleTopLevel @ blueocean.js:87930 handleTopLevelImpl @ blueocean.js:87997 perform @ blueocean.js:93514 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:87197 batchedUpdates @ blueocean.js:91413 dispatchEvent @ blueocean.js:88074 blueocean.js:2313 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server Error at checkStatus (blueocean.js:2313) checkStatus @ blueocean.js:2313 {code} Response: {code} { "message" : "Run was not added to queue.", "code" : 500, "errors" : [ ] } {code} How to reproduce: Check out a large enough repository that it can't finish checking out the build before you can cancel (a few hundred MBs seems to be enough for me). Trigger a build, then cancel it as fast as you can. It should be marked as a failure, not as aborted. If you've done this properly, when you go to the build in the old UI, it won't display the "Replay" button on the left. Next, go to Blue Ocean and hit "re-run". It also fails if you try to re-run from a favorite card, but the "build" button will work from a favorite card. Easy Solutions?: Maybe the fallback behaviour should be it switches to the "build" button if replay is unavailable, since that does still work from the favorite cards if this happens? At the very least some sort of notification of failure should be presented to the user. |
Sprint | New: Blue Ocean 1.1 [ 271 ] |
Rank | New: Ranked higher |
Epic Link | New: JENKINS-35750 [ 171713 ] |
Ah, thanks for the cleanup on that description, jamesdumay