Resolution: Unresolved
see attached about.html
with the following:
{{ steps {}}
{{ withCredentials([}}
{{ string(credentialsId: params.GITHUB_PASSWORD, variable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD'),}}
{{ string(credentialsId: params.GITHUB_APP_SECRET, variable: 'GITHUB_APP_SECRET')}}
]) {
ansiblePlaybook( {{ }}
{{ }}}
{{ }}}
if param.GITHUB_PASSWORD is null (not defined), a NullPointerException is raised.
The code in com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.findCredentialById should check for null value of id and provide a more useful message than a stacktrace.
[JENKINS-43264] NullPointerException when credentialsId is null
Description |
{{with the following:}} {{ steps \{}} {{ withCredentials([}} {{ string(credentialsId: params.GITHUB_PASSWORD, variable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD'),}} {{ string(credentialsId: params.GITHUB_APP_SECRET, variable: 'GITHUB_APP_SECRET')}} {{ ]) \{}} {{ ansiblePlaybook(}}{{ .....}} {{ )}} {{ }}} if param.GITHUB_PASSWORD is null (not defined), a NullPointerException is raised. The code in com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.findCredentialById should check for null value of id and provide a more useful message than a stacktrace. |
{{with the following:}} {{ steps \{}} {{ withCredentials([}} {{ string(credentialsId: params.GITHUB_PASSWORD, variable: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD'),}} {{ string(credentialsId: params.GITHUB_APP_SECRET, variable: 'GITHUB_APP_SECRET')}} {{ ]) \{}} {{ ansiblePlaybook( }}{{ }} {{ ...}} {{ )}} {{ }}} {{ }}} if param.GITHUB_PASSWORD is null (not defined), a NullPointerException is raised. The code in com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.findCredentialById should check for null value of id and provide a more useful message than a stacktrace. |
Component/s | New: credentials-binding-plugin [ 18129 ] | |
Component/s | Original: credentials-plugin [ 16523 ] |
Assignee | Original: Stephen Connolly [ stephenconnolly ] |
Summary | Original: NullPointerException when credentialid is not found | New: NullPointerException when credentialsId is null |
Labels | New: diagnostics |
https://github.com/jenkinsci/credentials-binding-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/credentialsbinding/impl/BindingStep.java#L224 credentials-binding plugin not credentials plugin