Resolution: Duplicate
Jenkins 2.71
Blue Ocean 1.1.5 · Core 2.71 · 01baca3
We have a quite complex Build pipeline with several stages,some of them are running quite long. To speed up the process, the tests are run in parallel.
At the moment we are integrating Docker inside the build pipeline and as we use this for Review and QA instances we want to have them ready as soon as possible. We actualle wanted to put the build step somewhere inside the pipeline, however as it might take long it would hold the other steps. Putting it in parallel to another step is also not a very good option as it's waiting for all parallel-steps to finish until the pipeline continues (maybe allowing a parallel build-step without waiting for the result of one or many would be an improvement?), so I wrapped the whole pipeline into parallel, resulting in two build-streams and one of them is having a parallel-part on its own.
The chart inside BlueOcean doesn't show this correctly, instead all steps are points which aren't connected. I also attached an image of the display in jenkins as the labels also don't match between the "two display options".
parallel( 'code':{ try { node('ff') { stage('Checkout') { // logic ... } stage('Dependencies') { // logic ... } stage('Assemble') { // logic ... } cleanWs cleanWhenFailure: false, cleanWhenNotBuilt: false, cleanWhenUnstable: false, notFailBuild: true } stage('Unit- und ITests') { parallel( 'unit-tests': { node('ff'){ // logic ... } }, 'internal-itests': { node('ff'){ // logic ... } }, 'itests': { node('ff'){ // logic ... } }, failFast: true ) } } catch (e) { node() { // logic ... } } }, 'docker':{ stage('build docker image') { node('stewie') { // logic ... } } } )
- duplicates
JENKINS-38442 View sequential stages in the pipeline visualization graph
- Closed
gamue we can't represent this kind of Pipeline in Blue Ocean right now (see
JENKINS-38442). You need to move the stages outside of the parallel.