$class: 'ThrottleJobProperty',
categories: ['ci-category'],
limitOneJobWithMatchingParams: true,
maxConcurrentPerNode: 0,
maxConcurrentTotal: 0,
paramsToUseForLimit: 'projectName repoName branchName',
throttleEnabled: true
pipeline {
triggers {
genericVariables: [
[key: 'projectName', value: '$'],
[key: 'repoName', value: '$'],
[key: 'branchName', value: '$.changes[0].ref.displayId'],
[key: 'latestCommit', value: '$.changes[0].toHash'],
[key: 'actorName', value: '$']
token: 'foo',
printContributedVariables: true,
printPostContent: true,
silentResponse: false,
causeString: 'Push to $branchName on $repoName by $actorName',
regexpFilterText: '$branchName',
regexpFilterExpression: '(?!.*2[.]01-).*'
parameters {
string(name: 'projectName', defaultValue: 'BAR', description: 'The Bitbucket project name [BAR]')
string(name: 'repoName', description: 'The Bitbucket repo name')
string(name: 'branchName', description: 'The git branch name')
string(name: 'latestCommit', description: 'The git commit ID to use')
Unfortunately I was unable to find time to work on plugin over last year. I decided to step down as maintainer and to mark the plugin for adoption.
If anybody is interested, let me know