When using p4 plugin version 1.7.4, changes are shown correctly.
In more recent versions of the plugin, "No changes" is always reported (both in the project view when selecting Recent Changes and in the build view).
I double-checked the changelog.xml and it is not empty.
Insofar I understand, it is the SCM plugin which parses the changelog.xml ?
A slightly redacted version of the changelog.xml (strings 'anonymized' to either 'abc' or 'xyz'):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <changelog> <entry> <changenumber><changeInfo>4171234</changeInfo> <clientId>abc_xyz</clientId> <msg>abc->xyz [4170123]: abcxyz </msg> <changeUser>abc</changeUser> <changeTime>2018-01-08 16:17:48</changeTime> <shelved>false</shelved> <files> <file endRevision="#42" action="EDIT" depot="%2F%2Fdepot%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fxyz.xml" /> <file endRevision="#560" action="EDIT" depot="%2F%2Fdepot%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc%2Fabc.dita" /> </files> <jobs> </jobs> </changenumber> </entry> </changelog>
Found these issues (repeated many times) in jenkins.log, which almost certainly are about this case. The 'unknown command' seems to point to an issue with older server versions (we're running at 2012.1, an upgrade is apparently planned this year).
My guess is that ConnectionHelper.getSwarm(ConnectionHelper.java:597) is not supported by 2012.1 and will always fail.
--------- Issue 1 ----------
--------- Issue 2 ----------