Resolution: Fixed
Linux ip-172-31-28-204 4.9.51-10.52.amzn1.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Sep 29 01:16:19 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
openjdk version "1.8.0_151"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
Jenins 2.85
Ant Plugin (ant): 1.2
Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.3-2.0
Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.3
Autofavorite for Blue Ocean (blueocean-autofavorite): 1.2.1
Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin (cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source): 2.2.7
Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean (blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline): 1.3.5
Blue Ocean (blueocean): 1.3.5
Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor (blueocean-pipeline-editor): 1.3.5
Branch API Plugin (branch-api): 2.0.14
Common API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-commons): 1.3.5
Config API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-config): 1.3.5
Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.12
Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.1.14
Cucumber reports (cucumber-reports): 3.13.0
Dashboard for Blue Ocean (blueocean-dashboard): 1.3.5
Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.2.0
Display URL for Blue Ocean (blueocean-display-url): 2.2.0
Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.8
Docker Pipeline (docker-workflow): 1.12
Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.14
Events API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-events): 1.3.5
External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.4
Favorite (favorite): 2.3.1
Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.2.1
GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.7
Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean (blueocean-git-pipeline): 1.3.5
Git client plugin (git-client): 2.5.0
Git plugin (git): 3.6.0
GitHub API Plugin (github-api): 1.90
GitHub Branch Source Plugin (github-branch-source): 2.2.3
GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean (blueocean-github-pipeline): 1.3.5
GitHub plugin (github): 1.28.1
HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.14
Icon Shim Plugin (icon-shim): 2.0.3
JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean (blueocean-jira): 1.3.5
JIRA Integration for Jenkins (jenkins-jira-plugin): 3.0.1
JIRA plugin (jira): 2.5
JSch dependency plugin (jsch):
JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.21
JWT for Blue Ocean (blueocean-jwt): 1.3.5
Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api):
JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1
Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.4
LDAP Plugin (ldap): 1.11
Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.20
MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api):
Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.1
Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.11
Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 3.0
Mercurial plugin (mercurial): 2.2
OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 1.1
PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.1
Personalization for Blue Ocean (blueocean-personalization): 1.3.5
Pipeline (workflow-aggregator): 2.5
Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.5
Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-pipeline-scm-api): 1.3.5
Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean (blueocean-pipeline-api-impl): 1.3.5
Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.22
Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.6
Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.5.1
Pipeline: Declarative (pipeline-model-definition): 1.2.2
Pipeline: Declarative Agent API (pipeline-model-declarative-agent): 1.1.1
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.2.2
Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries (pipeline-github-lib): 1.0
Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.42
Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.8
Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.16
Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.1
Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.2.6
Pipeline: Multibranch (workflow-multibranch): 2.16
Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.13
Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline-rest-api): 2.9
Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.6
Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries (workflow-cps-global-lib): 2.8
Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.2
Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.2.2
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.8
Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.14
Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 2.16
Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.4
Pub-Sub "light" Bus (pubsub-light): 1.12
REST API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-rest): 1.3.5
REST Implementation for Blue Ocean (blueocean-rest-impl): 1.3.5
SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.2.3
SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.13
SSH Slaves plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.20
Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.36
Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin (sse-gateway): 1.15
Structs Plugin (structs): 1.10
Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.9
Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.1
Translation Assistance plugin (translation): 1.10
Variant Plugin (variant): 1.1
Web for Blue Ocean (blueocean-web): 1.3.5
Windows Slaves Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.0
Xvfb plugin (xvfb): 1.1.3
bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.16.0
i18n for Blue Ocean (blueocean-i18n): 1.3.5Linux ip-172-31-28-204 4.9.51-10.52.amzn1.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Sep 29 01:16:19 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux openjdk version "1.8.0_151" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-b12) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode) wildfly-10.1.0.Final Jenins 2.85 Ant Plugin (ant): 1.2 Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.3-2.0 Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.3 Autofavorite for Blue Ocean (blueocean-autofavorite): 1.2.1 Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin (cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source): 2.2.7 Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean (blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline): 1.3.5 Blue Ocean (blueocean): 1.3.5 Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor (blueocean-pipeline-editor): 1.3.5 Branch API Plugin (branch-api): 2.0.14 Common API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-commons): 1.3.5 Config API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-config): 1.3.5 Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.12 Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.1.14 Cucumber reports (cucumber-reports): 3.13.0 Dashboard for Blue Ocean (blueocean-dashboard): 1.3.5 Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.2.0 Display URL for Blue Ocean (blueocean-display-url): 2.2.0 Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.8 Docker Pipeline (docker-workflow): 1.12 Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.14 Events API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-events): 1.3.5 External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.4 Favorite (favorite): 2.3.1 Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.2.1 GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.7 Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean (blueocean-git-pipeline): 1.3.5 Git client plugin (git-client): 2.5.0 Git plugin (git): 3.6.0 GitHub API Plugin (github-api): 1.90 GitHub Branch Source Plugin (github-branch-source): 2.2.3 GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean (blueocean-github-pipeline): 1.3.5 GitHub plugin (github): 1.28.1 HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.14 Icon Shim Plugin (icon-shim): 2.0.3 JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean (blueocean-jira): 1.3.5 JIRA Integration for Jenkins (jenkins-jira-plugin): 3.0.1 JIRA plugin (jira): 2.5 JSch dependency plugin (jsch): JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.21 JWT for Blue Ocean (blueocean-jwt): 1.3.5 Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1 Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.4 LDAP Plugin (ldap): 1.11 Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.20 MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api): Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.1 Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.11 Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 3.0 Mercurial plugin (mercurial): 2.2 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 1.1 PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.1 Personalization for Blue Ocean (blueocean-personalization): 1.3.5 Pipeline (workflow-aggregator): 2.5 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.5 Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-pipeline-scm-api): 1.3.5 Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean (blueocean-pipeline-api-impl): 1.3.5 Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.22 Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.6 Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.5.1 Pipeline: Declarative (pipeline-model-definition): 1.2.2 Pipeline: Declarative Agent API (pipeline-model-declarative-agent): 1.1.1 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.2.2 Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries (pipeline-github-lib): 1.0 Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.42 Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.8 Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.16 Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.1 Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.2.6 Pipeline: Multibranch (workflow-multibranch): 2.16 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.13 Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline-rest-api): 2.9 Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.6 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries (workflow-cps-global-lib): 2.8 Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.2 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.2.2 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.8 Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.14 Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 2.16 Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.4 Pub-Sub "light" Bus (pubsub-light): 1.12 REST API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-rest): 1.3.5 REST Implementation for Blue Ocean (blueocean-rest-impl): 1.3.5 SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.2.3 SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.13 SSH Slaves plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.20 Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.36 Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin (sse-gateway): 1.15 Structs Plugin (structs): 1.10 Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.9 Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.1 Translation Assistance plugin (translation): 1.10 Variant Plugin (variant): 1.1 Web for Blue Ocean (blueocean-web): 1.3.5 Windows Slaves Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.0 Xvfb plugin (xvfb): 1.1.3 bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.16.0 i18n for Blue Ocean (blueocean-i18n): 1.3.5
Steps to reproduce:
- Install a wildfly-10.1.0.Final
- Install jenkins 2.85
- Install all plugins listed in environment
- Click on open blue ocean in the dashboard
- Should work
- Just shows a white screen a request produces a problem because an old Jackson version is used
curl 'http://build.********.de/jenkins/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/test.******.de/runs/1140/' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Accept-Language: de' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Referer: http://build.********.de/jenkins/blue/pipelines/' -H 'Cookie: screenResolution=2560x1440; JSESSIONID=RYtitoop8brJCqmPSXKFndkzxTDTa-J5K26egup-.ip-172-31-28-204; G_ENABLED_IDPS=google; _ga=GA1.2.1055820180.1510573662; l10n-submitter=Manuel%20Blechschmidt; l10n-license-agreed=true; _gid=GA1.2.1533231619.1516001612' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.JsonStringEncoder.quoteAsString(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;)V at io.jenkins.blueocean.commons.stapler.export.JSONDataWriter.value(JSONDataWriter.java:112) at io.jenkins.blueocean.commons.stapler.export.JSONDataWriter.startObject(JSONDataWriter.java:154) at io.jenkins.blueocean.commons.stapler.export.Model.writeTo(Model.java:198) at io.jenkins.blueocean.commons.stapler.Export.writeOne(Export.java:148) at io.jenkins.blueocean.commons.stapler.Export.serveExposedBean(Export.java:139) at io.jenkins.blueocean.commons.stapler.Export.doJson(Export.java:79) at io.jenkins.blueocean.commons.stapler.TreeResponse$Processor$1.generateResponse(TreeResponse.java:48) at org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponseRenderer$Default.handleHttpResponse(HttpResponseRenderer.java:124) at org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponseRenderer$Default.generateResponse(HttpResponseRenderer.java:69) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function.renderResponse(Function.java:136) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function.bindAndInvokeAndServeResponse(Function.java:119) at org.kohsuke.stapler.IndexDispatcher.dispatch(IndexDispatcher.java:26) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:715) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:845) at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$10.dispatch(MetaClass.java:374) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:715) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:845) at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$3.doDispatch(MetaClass.java:209)
Updateing to 2.102 and adding the jboss-deployment-structure.xml did not help.