Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver. 2.60.3
Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 2.2.10
Pipeline: Multibranch 2.16
Problem Description
If You have Your Jenkinsfile in subdirectory, the result for searching is "Skipped"
Checking branch feature/JIR-123 from OWNER_1/repo_1 ‘jenkins/build/my.Jenkinsfile’ not found Skipped
Multibranch Pipeline, mode: Jenkinsfile, Script path: jenkins/build/my.Jenkinsfile
Probably: BitbucketServerAPIClient.checkPathExists(..)
String url = UriTemplate .fromTemplate(API_BROWSE_PATH) .set("owner", "OWNER_1") .set("repo", "repo_1") .set("path", "jenkins/build/my.Jenkinsfile") .set("at", "feature/JIR-123") .expand();
url should contains "/rest/api/1.0/projects/OWNER_1/repos/repo_1/browse/jenkins/build/my.Jenkinsfile?at=feature%2FJIR-123"
not /rest/api/1.0/projects/OWNER_1/repos/repo_1/browse/jenkins%2Fbuild%2Fmy.Jenkinsfile?at=feature%2FJIR-123
Proposal for change (but I'm not sure about rules for UriTemplate):
120: private static final String API_BROWSE_PATH = API_REPOSITORY_PATH + "/browse/{+path}{?at}";
Or maybe it's a bug in UriTemplate as {/path} is recognized as PATH type.
- duplicates
JENKINS-49295 readTrusted in subfolder doesn't work for bitbucketserver
- Resolved
- mentioned in
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