Resolution: Fixed
The following output (from sass lint) is not properly handled by the MSBuild parser:
dist/search-list.component.scss(41,17): warning shorthand-values : Property `margin` should be written more concisely as `5px 0 0` instead of `5px 0 0 0`
After fiddling around with it, I was able to figure out that it is failing on the category value "shorthand-values"
Currently, the regex only expects letters and numbers in that string, it does not match on hyphens.
I think the regex should be expanded to handle hyphens (and underscores would be good too.)
The change should be simple enough. Just modify the regex:
private static final String MS_BUILD_WARNING_PATTERN = "(?:^(?:.*)Command line warning ([A-Za-z0-9]+):\\s*(.*)\\s*\\[(.*)\\])|" + ANT_TASK + "(?:(?:\\s*\\d+>)?(?:(?:(?:(.*)\\((\\d*)(?:,(\\d+))?.*\\)|.*LINK)\\s*:|(.*):)\\s*([A-z-_]*\\s?(?:[Nn]ote|[Ii]nfo|[Ww]arning|(?:fatal\\s*)?[Ee]rror))\\s*:?\\s*([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\s*:\\s(?:\\s*([A-Za-z0-9.]+)\\s*:)?\\s*(.*?)(?: \\[([^\\]]*)[/\\\\][^\\]\\\\]+\\])?" + "|(.*)\\s*:.*error\\s*(LNK[0-9]+):\\s*(.*)))$";
with the following:
private static final String MS_BUILD_WARNING_PATTERN = "(?:^(?:.*)Command line warning ([A-Za-z0-9]+):\\s*(.*)\\s*\\[(.*)\\])|" + ANT_TASK + "(?:(?:\\s*\\d+>)?(?:(?:(?:(.*)\\((\\d*)(?:,(\\d+))?.*\\)|.*LINK)\\s*:|(.*):)\\s*([A-z-_]*\\s?(?:[Nn]ote|[Ii]nfo|[Ww]arning|(?:fatal\\s*)?[Ee]rror))\\s*:?\\s*([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)\\s*:\\s(?:\\s*([A-Za-z0-9.]+)\\s*:)?\\s*(.*?)(?: \\[([^\\]]*)[/\\\\][^\\]\\\\]+\\])?" + "|(.*)\\s*:.*error\\s*(LNK[0-9]+):\\s*(.*)))$";
I'd be happy to make a pull request in the github repo but it would take me a bit to get the tooling on my workstation to write a test.
Getting the tooling to create a pull request wasn't that difficult after all...
PR Created: https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-plugin/pull/128