Resolution: Fixed
blueocean 1.10.1, all browsers
I have a pipeline with parallel sequential stages (the same problem might occur if there are parallel 1-stage, not sure) and can only click on the first 'active' stage. Too much to obfuscate, will do ascii:
4 parallel - sequential stages below:
s4 and s6 included in the diagram in case it's relevant, but the problem happens without them being shown visually in what I'm about to describe, as those stages haven't started yet:
s1 is a single stage and complete (green)
s2, s3, s5 all show as animated blue circles, which is accurate. Going out of blue ocean and examining legacy pipeline view properly shows logs progressing on those.
But in the blue ocean view, I can only click on s1, or s2, and have the bottom half of the screen (console log, etc) update. s3 and s5 on hover-over show that they're clickable, but clicking them does nothing. Only clicking s1 or s2 changes the context of the bottom half of the blue ocean UI.
Potentially of interest:
If I'm currently clicked/selected on s2, then clicking s3/s5 does nothing.
If I'm currently clicked/selected on s1 (the one that is green/complete), then clicking on s3/s5 changes the bottom context to s2.
It's as is clicking on any active parallel stage will only set the bottom context to the first active parallel stage, but that is just a guess.
As I write this – the graph has now progressed so that s2, s4, and s6 are active. s1, s3, and s5 are complete. Still has the same problem – if I click on s4 or s6, it only shows the context of s2.
- is related to
JENKINS-55427 Blue Ocean display of sequential stages in parallel stages is flaky
- Open
some improvement in BO 1.11.1 – I can now click on S1, S2, S3, S5, and context changes accordingly. Prior to BO 1.11.1 I could only see the context of S1 regardless what I clicked.
Unfortunately when S5 finishes and the active stages are: S1, S2, S3, S6 ... I cannot click on S6 and have the context switch to S6. The blue active icon gets larger, but the context (logs, etc) doesn't switch.
So.. things are a bit better, but still broke.