Uploaded image for project: 'Jenkins'
  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-59788

Timestamps missing for agent-based steps in Pipeline Job 2.190.1

      This problem still prevails on Jenkins ver. 2.190.1 and timestamper version 1.10.
      I tried also older versions of this plugin for which has been written in thicket JENKINS-54081 to work, but again with the same results.
      Also, the following option has been set on Jenkins master as JVM parameter:


      as described in JENKINS-54081 but again with the same outcome.

      A Pipeline example you can use to reproduce this problem is given below. You might adjust it a bit in order to fit your environment:

      • withMaven step needs to be adjusted
      • agent label we are using for our slaves is large so you might want to change that accordingly
      pipeline {
         agent {
            label 'large'
         options {
            timeout(time: 4, unit: 'HOURS')
         stages {
            stage('Preparation') {
               steps {
                  script {
                     // for display purposes
                     // Get some code from a GitHub repository
                     git 'https://github.com/jglick/simple-maven-project-with-tests.git'
            stage('Build') {
               steps {
                  script {
                     // Run the maven build
                        mavenLocalRepo: '.repository',
                        mavenSettingsConfig: 'tool-maven-ro',
                        jdk: 'sapjvm-8',
                        publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT',
                        options: [
                           artifactsPublisher(disabled: false),
                           dependenciesFingerprintPublisher(disabled: false),
                           junitPublisher(disabled: false)
                     ) {
                        sh 'mvn  -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package'
            stage('Results') {
               steps {
                  junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
                  archiveArtifacts 'target/*.jar'

      Log snippet from master looks like this:

      11:25:04  Seen branch in repository origin/master
      11:25:04  Seen 1 remote branch
      11:25:04   > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10
      11:25:04  Checking out Revision fbe787fbf5b8fce670b4401b2d348ff7a4357160 (origin/master)
      11:25:04   > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
      11:25:04   > git checkout -f fbe787fbf5b8fce670b4401b2d348ff7a4357160
      11:25:04  Commit message: "first commit"
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // script
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // stage
      [Pipeline] stage
      [Pipeline] { (Build)
      [Pipeline] script
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] withMaven
      11:25:04  [withMaven] Options: [org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.GeneratedArtifactsPublisher[disabled=false], org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.DependenciesFingerprintPublisher[disabled=false, scopes=[compile, provided, runtime], versions={snapshot:true, release:false}], JunitTestsPublisher[disabled=false,healthScaleFactor=,keepLongStdio=false,ignoreAttachments=false]]
      11:25:04  [withMaven] Available options: 
      11:25:04  [withMaven] using JDK installation sapjvm-8
      11:25:04  $ /bin/sh -c "which mvn"
      11:25:04  [withMaven] using Maven installation provided by the build agent with executable /usr/local/bin/mvn
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] sh
      11:25:05  + mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package
      11:25:05  ----- withMaven Wrapper script -----
      11:25:05  Apache Maven 3.5.4 (1edded0938998edf8bf061f1ceb3cfdeccf443fe; 2018-06-17T18:33:14Z)
      11:25:05  Maven home: /usr/local/maven
      11:25:05  Java version: 1.8.0_77, vendor: SAP AG, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/sapjvm_8/jre
      11:25:05  Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: ANSI_X3.4-1968
      11:25:05  OS name: "linux", version: "4.14.138+", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
      11:25:05  [INFO] [jenkins-event-spy] Generate /srv/jenkins/workspace/test pipeline@tmp/withMaven3fe3ef73/maven-spy-20191015-092505-8403902332112577080839.log.tmp ...
      11:25:06  [INFO] Scanning for projects...
      11:25:06  [INFO] 
      11:25:06  [INFO] ----------------< test:simple-maven-project-with-tests >----------------
      11:25:06  [INFO] Building simple-maven-project-with-tests 1.0-SNAPSHOT
      11:25:06  [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------

      Same log snipped when pipeline is executed on slave looks like this:

      Checking out Revision fbe787fbf5b8fce670b4401b2d348ff7a4357160 (origin/master)
      Commit message: "first commit"
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // script
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // stage
      [Pipeline] stage
      [Pipeline] { (Build)
      [Pipeline] script
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] withMaven
      [withMaven] Options: [org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.GeneratedArtifactsPublisher[disabled=false], org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.DependenciesFingerprintPublisher[disabled=false, scopes=[compile, provided, runtime], versions={snapshot:true, release:false}], JunitTestsPublisher[disabled=false,healthScaleFactor=,keepLongStdio=false,ignoreAttachments=false]]
      [withMaven] Available options: 
      [withMaven] using JDK installation sapjvm-8
      $ /bin/sh -c "which mvn"
      [withMaven] using Maven installation provided by the build agent with executable /usr/bin/mvn
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] sh
      + mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package
      ----- withMaven Wrapper script -----
      Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dmaven.ext.class.path="/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test pipeline@tmp/withMaven805d1277/pipeline-maven-spy.jar" -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.reportsFolder="/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test pipeline@tmp/withMaven805d1277" 
      Apache Maven 3.6.2 (40f52333136460af0dc0d7232c0dc0bcf0d9e117; 2019-08-27T15:06:16Z)
      Maven home: /usr/share/maven
      Java version: 1.8.0_221, vendor: SAP AG, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/sapjvm_8/jre
      Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: ANSI_X3.4-1968
      OS name: "linux", version: "4.14.138+", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
      Seen branch in repository origin/master
      Seen 1 remote branch
       > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10
       > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
       > git checkout -f fbe787fbf5b8fce670b4401b2d348ff7a4357160
      [INFO] [jenkins-event-spy] Generate /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test pipeline@tmp/withMaven805d1277/maven-spy-20191015-093038-6193675996080952171854.log.tmp ...
      [INFO] Scanning for projects...
      [INFO] ----------------< test:simple-maven-project-with-tests >----------------
      [INFO] Building simple-maven-project-with-tests 1.0-SNAPSHOT
      [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------

      List of plugins and their version is listed below:

      PrioritySorter: 3.6.0 (Priority Sorter Plugin)
      ace-editor: 1.1 (JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin)
      ansicolor: 0.6.2 (AnsiColor)
      antisamy-markup-formatter: 1.6 (OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin)
      apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.10-1.0 (Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin)
      authentication-tokens: 1.3 (Authentication Tokens API Plugin)
      blueocean: 1.19.0 (Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-autofavorite: 1.2.4 (Autofavorite for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline: 1.19.0 (Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-commons: 1.19.0 (Common API for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-config: 1.19.0 (Config API for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-core-js: 1.19.0 (Blue Ocean Core JS)
      blueocean-dashboard: 1.19.0 (Dashboard for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-display-url: 2.3.0 (Display URL for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-events: 1.19.0 (Events API for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-executor-info: 1.19.0 (Blue Ocean Executor Info)
      blueocean-git-pipeline: 1.19.0 (Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-github-pipeline: 1.19.0 (GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-i18n: 1.19.0 (i18n for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-jira: 1.19.0 (JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-jwt: 1.19.0 (JWT for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-personalization: 1.19.0 (Personalization for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-pipeline-api-impl: 1.19.0 (Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-pipeline-editor: 1.19.0 (Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor)
      blueocean-pipeline-scm-api: 1.19.0 (Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-rest: 1.19.0 (REST API for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-rest-impl: 1.19.0 (REST Implementation for Blue Ocean)
      blueocean-web: 1.19.0 (Web for Blue Ocean)
      bouncycastle-api: 2.17 (bouncycastle API Plugin)
      branch-api: 2.5.4 (Branch API Plugin)
      build-with-parameters: 1.4 (Build With Parameters)
      cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.5.0 (Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin)
      cloudbees-folder: 6.9 (Folders Plugin)
      command-launcher: 1.3 (Command Agent Launcher Plugin)
      config-file-provider: 3.6.2 (Config File Provider Plugin)
      credentials: 2.3.0 (Credentials Plugin)
      credentials-binding: 1.20 (Credentials Binding Plugin)
      display-url-api: 2.3.2 (Display URL API)
      docker-commons: 1.15 (Docker Commons Plugin)
      docker-workflow: 1.19 (Docker Pipeline)
      durable-task: 1.30 (Durable Task Plugin)
      extended-choice-parameter: 0.78 (Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In)
      external-monitor-job: 1.7 (External Monitor Job Type Plugin)
      favorite: 2.3.2 (Favorite)
      file-operations: 1.7 (File Operations Plugin)
      git: 3.12.1 (Git plugin)
      git-client: 2.8.6 (Git client plugin)
      git-server: 1.8 (GIT server Plugin)
      github: 1.29.4 (GitHub plugin)
      github-api: 1.95 (GitHub API Plugin)
      github-branch-source: 2.5.8 (GitHub Branch Source Plugin)
      google-metadata-plugin: 0.2 (Google Metadata plugin)
      google-oauth-plugin: 0.9 (Google OAuth Credentials plugin)
      google-storage-plugin: 1.4.0 (Google Cloud Storage plugin)
      gradle: 1.34 (Gradle Plugin)
      greenballs: 1.15 (Green Balls)
      groovy: 2.2 (Groovy)
      h2-api: 1.4.199 (H2 API Plugin)
      handlebars: 1.1.1 (JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin)
      handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.7-1.0 (Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin)
      htmlpublisher: 1.21 (HTML Publisher plugin)
      jackson2-api: 2.9.10 (Jackson 2 API Plugin)
      javadoc: 1.5 (Javadoc Plugin)
      jaxb: (JAXB plugin)
      jdk-tool: 1.3 (Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin)
      jenkins-design-language: 1.19.0 (Design Language)
      jira: 3.0.10 (JIRA plugin)
      job-dsl: 1.76 (Job DSL)
      jquery: 1.12.4-1 (jQuery plugin)
      jquery-detached: 1.2.1 (JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin)
      jsch: (JSch dependency plugin)
      junit: 1.28 (JUnit Plugin)
      junit-attachments: 1.6 (JUnit Attachments Plugin)
      kubernetes: 1.19.3 (Kubernetes plugin)
      kubernetes-client-api: 4.6.0-2 (Kubernetes Client API Plugin)
      kubernetes-credentials: 0.4.1 (Kubernetes Credentials Plugin)
      ldap: 1.20 (LDAP Plugin)
      lockable-resources: 2.5 (Lockable Resources plugin)
      logfilesizechecker: 1.5 (build log file size checker plugin)
      login-theme: 1.0 (Login Theme Plugin)
      m2release: 0.15.0 (Maven Release Plug-in Plug-in)
      mailer: 1.28 (Mailer Plugin)
      matrix-auth: 2.4.2 (Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin)
      matrix-project: 1.14 (Matrix Project Plugin)
      maven-plugin: 3.4 (Maven Integration plugin)
      mercurial: 2.8 (Mercurial plugin)
      metrics: (Metrics Plugin)
      momentjs: 1.1.1 (JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin)
      multiple-scms: 0.6 (Multiple SCMs plugin)
      oauth-credentials: 0.3 (OAuth Credentials plugin)
      pam-auth: 1.5.1 (PAM Authentication plugin)
      pipeline-build-step: 2.9 (Pipeline: Build Step)
      pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.10 (Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin)
      pipeline-input-step: 2.11 (Pipeline: Input Step)
      pipeline-maven: 3.8.1 (Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin)
      pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.1 (Pipeline: Milestone Step)
      pipeline-model-api: 1.3.9 (Pipeline: Model API)
      pipeline-model-declarative-agent: 1.1.1 (Pipeline: Declarative Agent API)
      pipeline-model-definition: 1.3.9 (Pipeline: Declarative)
      pipeline-model-extensions: 1.3.9 (Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API)
      pipeline-rest-api: 2.12 (Pipeline: REST API Plugin)
      pipeline-stage-step: 2.3 (Pipeline: Stage Step)
      pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.3.9 (Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata)
      pipeline-stage-view: 2.12 (Pipeline: Stage View Plugin)
      pipeline-utility-steps: 2.3.1 (Pipeline Utility Steps)
      plain-credentials: 1.5 (Plain Credentials Plugin)
      prometheus: 2.0.6 (Prometheus metrics plugin)
      pubsub-light: 1.13 (Pub-Sub "light" Bus)
      rebuild: 1.31 (Rebuilder)
      resource-disposer: 0.13 (Resource Disposer Plugin)
      saml: 1.1.3 (SAML Plugin)
      scm-api: 2.6.3 (SCM API Plugin)
      script-security: 1.65 (Script Security Plugin)
      sse-gateway: 1.20 (Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin)
      ssh-credentials: 1.17.2 (SSH Credentials Plugin)
      startup-trigger-plugin: 2.9.3 (Startup Trigger)
      structs: 1.20 (Structs Plugin)
      swarm: 3.17 (Self-Organizing Swarm Plug-in Modules)
      timestamper: 1.10 (Timestamper)
      token-macro: 2.8 (Token Macro Plugin)
      translation: 1.16 (Translation Assistance plugin)
      trilead-api: 1.0.4 (Trilead API Plugin)
      validating-string-parameter: 2.4 (Validating String Parameter Plugin)
      variant: 1.3 (Variant Plugin)
      windows-slaves: 1.4 (WMI Windows Agents Plugin)
      workflow-aggregator: 2.6 (Pipeline)
      workflow-api: 2.37 (Pipeline: API)
      workflow-basic-steps: 2.18 (Pipeline: Basic Steps)
      workflow-cps: 2.74 (Pipeline: Groovy)
      workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.16-cache-alpha-v1 (Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries)
      workflow-durable-task-step: 2.34 (Pipeline: Nodes and Processes)
      workflow-job: 2.35 (Pipeline: Job)
      workflow-multibranch: 2.21 (Pipeline: Multibranch)
      workflow-scm-step: 2.9 (Pipeline: SCM Step)
      workflow-step-api: 2.20 (Pipeline: Step API)
      workflow-support: 3.3 (Pipeline: Supporting APIs)
      ws-cleanup: 0.37 (Workspace Cleanup Plugin)
      xvfb: 1.1.3 (Xvfb plugin)

      and shared cache library is built from this PR: https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-cps-global-lib-plugin/pull/85


          [JENKINS-59788] Timestamps missing for agent-based steps in Pipeline Job 2.190.1

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          Explicitly setting USE_WATCHING=false is irrelevant—that is the default.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - Explicitly setting USE_WATCHING=false is irrelevant—that is the default.

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          Just tried it. I get timestamps for all lines, though display is corrupted on lines which have also have an attempt to apply coloring by the withMaven step, which I think would be better suppressed in favor of the ansicolor plugin and

          MAVEN_OPTS=-Djansi.force=true mvn -B -Dstyle.color=always …

          Jesse Glick added a comment - Just tried it. I get timestamps for all lines, though display is corrupted on lines which have also have an attempt to apply coloring by the withMaven step, which I think would be better suppressed in favor of the ansicolor plugin and MAVEN_OPTS=-Djansi.force=true mvn -B -Dstyle.color=always …

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          In other words, I can reproduce a minor bug somewhere in interaction between timestamper, ansicolor, and pipeline-maven, but not the absence of any timestamps that you report. Would be best to describe a minimal, self-contained, reproducible test case.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - In other words, I can reproduce a minor bug somewhere in interaction between timestamper , ansicolor , and pipeline-maven , but not the absence of any timestamps that you report. Would be best to describe a minimal, self-contained, reproducible test case.

          Joe Lee added a comment -

          we meet this issue as well with same 2.190.1 and timestamper version 1.10


          Joe Lee added a comment - we meet this issue as well with same 2.190.1 and timestamper version 1.10  

          Adam Gabryś added a comment - - edited

          This is the simplest possible pipeline to reproduce (I could try to get the docker image used to create the pod):

          pipeline {
             agent {
                label 'tiny'
             options {
             stages {
                 stage('loop') {
                     steps {
                         sh '''
                              while true;
                                  echo 'line'
                                  sleep 3

          I see no timestamps in logs:

          Started by user Gabrys, Adam
          Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
          [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
          [Pipeline] node
          Agent zjs-agabrys-tiny-qtc0t is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template
          Running on zjs-agabrys-tiny-qtc0t in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test
          [Pipeline] {
          [Pipeline] timestamps
          [Pipeline] {
          [Pipeline] stage
          [Pipeline] { (loop)
          [Pipeline] sh
          + true
          + echo line
          + sleep 3
          + true
          + echo line
          + sleep 3
          + true

          Luckily, we found the new option available Manage Jenkins → Configure System → Timestamper: Enabled for all Pipeline builds. I enabled it, removed options block from Jenkinsfile and this is the result:

          14:12:42  Started by user Gabrys, Adam
          14:12:42  Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
          14:12:42  [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
          14:12:42  [Pipeline] node
          14:12:57  Still waiting to schedule task
          14:12:57  All nodes of label ‘tiny’ are offline
          14:13:07  Agent zjs-agabrys-tiny-xlmd4 is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template
          14:13:07  Running on zjs-agabrys-tiny-xlmd4 in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test
          14:13:07  [Pipeline] {
          14:13:07  [Pipeline] stage
          14:13:07  [Pipeline] { (loop)
          14:13:07  [Pipeline] sh
          14:13:09  + true
          14:13:09  + echo line
          14:13:09  line
          14:13:09  + sleep 3
          14:13:12  + true
          14:13:12  + echo line
          14:13:12  line
          14:13:12  + sleep 3
          14:13:14  + true

          We want activate timestamps for all our jobs. so we don't have this problem anymore (even though timestamps option doesn't work).

          One more interesting thing. Free style jobs never have problems with timestamps. When I add Timestamp wrapper and execute the job on agent I see:

          14:20:07 Started by user Gabrys, Adam
          14:20:07 Running as SYSTEM
          14:20:07 Agent zjs-agabrys2-tiny-zfbqr is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template
          14:20:07 Building remotely on zjs-agabrys2-tiny-zfbqr (tiny) in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test2
          14:20:08 [test2] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/jenkins1316037729727606180.sh
          14:20:08 + true
          14:20:08 + echo line
          14:20:08 line
          14:20:08 + sleep 3
          14:20:11 + true
          14:20:11 + echo line

          Adam Gabryś added a comment - - edited This is the simplest possible pipeline to reproduce (I could try to get the docker image used to create the pod): pipeline { agent { label 'tiny' } options { timestamps() } stages { stage( 'loop' ) { steps { sh ''' while true ; do echo 'line' sleep 3 done ''' } } } } I see no timestamps in logs: Started by user Gabrys, Adam Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] node Agent zjs-agabrys-tiny-qtc0t is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template Running on zjs-agabrys-tiny-qtc0t in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timestamps [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (loop) [Pipeline] sh + true + echo line line + sleep 3 + true + echo line line + sleep 3 + true Luckily, we found the new option available Manage Jenkins → Configure System → Timestamper : Enabled for all Pipeline builds . I enabled it, removed options  block from Jenkinsfile and this is the result: 14:12:42 Started by user Gabrys, Adam 14:12:42 Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY 14:12:42 [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline 14:12:42 [Pipeline] node 14:12:57 Still waiting to schedule task 14:12:57 All nodes of label ‘tiny’ are offline 14:13:07 Agent zjs-agabrys-tiny-xlmd4 is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template 14:13:07 Running on zjs-agabrys-tiny-xlmd4 in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test 14:13:07 [Pipeline] { 14:13:07 [Pipeline] stage 14:13:07 [Pipeline] { (loop) 14:13:07 [Pipeline] sh 14:13:09 + true 14:13:09 + echo line 14:13:09 line 14:13:09 + sleep 3 14:13:12 + true 14:13:12 + echo line 14:13:12 line 14:13:12 + sleep 3 14:13:14 + true We want activate timestamps for all our jobs. so we don't have this problem anymore (even though timestamps option doesn't work). One more interesting thing. Free style jobs never have problems with timestamps. When I add Timestamp wrapper and execute the job on agent I see: 14:20:07 Started by user Gabrys, Adam 14:20:07 Running as SYSTEM 14:20:07 Agent zjs-agabrys2-tiny-zfbqr is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template 14:20:07 Building remotely on zjs-agabrys2-tiny-zfbqr (tiny) in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test2 14:20:08 [test2] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/jenkins1316037729727606180.sh 14:20:08 + true 14:20:08 + echo line 14:20:08 line 14:20:08 + sleep 3 14:20:11 + true 14:20:11 + echo line

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          agabrys just tried your example and could not reproduce. Fresh installation of Jenkins 2.190.2, with pipeline-model-definition, timestamper, ansicolor, pipeline-model-definition, mock-slave, after configuring a Mock Agent and using that label:

          Started by user unknown or anonymous
          Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
          [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
          [Pipeline] node
          Running on mock in …/mock-agents/mock/workspace/p
          [Pipeline] {
          [Pipeline] timestamps
          [Pipeline] {
          [Pipeline] stage
          [Pipeline] { (loop)
          [Pipeline] sh
          09:00:24  + true
          09:00:24  + echo line
          09:00:24  line
          09:00:24  + sleep 3
          09:00:27  + true
          09:00:27  + echo line

          Not sure what other conditions are required to trigger this.

          Freestyle projects use a completely unrelated mechanism for timestamp annotation, so that is not relevant here.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - agabrys just tried your example and could not reproduce. Fresh installation of Jenkins 2.190.2, with pipeline-model-definition , timestamper , ansicolor , pipeline-model-definition , mock-slave , after configuring a Mock Agent and using that label: Started by user unknown or anonymous Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] node Running on mock in …/mock-agents/mock/workspace/p [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timestamps [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (loop) [Pipeline] sh 09:00:24 + true 09:00:24 + echo line 09:00:24 line 09:00:24 + sleep 3 09:00:27 + true 09:00:27 + echo line … Not sure what other conditions are required to trigger this. Freestyle projects use a completely unrelated mechanism for timestamp annotation, so that is not relevant here.

          Joe Lee added a comment -

          jglick  Could you use some real agent eg docker or k8s agent to verify ?

          Joe Lee added a comment - jglick   Could you use some real agent eg docker or k8s agent to verify ?

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          mock-slave creates a separate process and a Remoting channel so it suffices to reproduce issues of this kind (you would need to use something like a Docker agent to reproduce most issues about things like process launching).

          Jesse Glick added a comment - mock-slave creates a separate process and a Remoting channel so it suffices to reproduce issues of this kind (you would need to use something like a Docker agent to reproduce most issues about things like process launching).

          Andrew Martin added a comment -

          I enabled Timestamper both via the global enable button as well as via the Jenkinsfile timestamps() option, however I have zero timestamps in the pipeline build output.  Freestyle projects that I've explicitly enabled it for do, indeed, have timestamps.  I'm using jenkins 2.229 with the latest timestamper.  Our Jenkinsfile is basically just a list of stages for an AWS deployment and a couple in-line shell scripts.

          Andrew Martin added a comment - I enabled Timestamper both via the global enable button as well as via the Jenkinsfile timestamps() option, however I have zero timestamps in the pipeline build output.  Freestyle projects that I've explicitly enabled it for do, indeed, have timestamps.  I'm using jenkins 2.229 with the latest timestamper.  Our Jenkinsfile is basically just a list of stages for an AWS deployment and a couple in-line shell scripts.

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            ljubisap Ljubisa Punosevac
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
