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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-59833

Stash Pull Request Builder Multiple PR in single build


      Ref : https://github.com/HB-2012 comments on https://gitter.im/jenkinsci/stash-pullrequest-builder-plugin

      Hi there. In my organization I have a PR pipeline set up using the experimental support for pipelines. I keep noticing that our job keeps building a bunch of PRs in a single build, which is undesirable since the Stash Notifier plugin doesn't understand this and only reports a successful build for a single PR, even tho apparently the PR builder plugin recognizes it has started builds for multiple PRs. We're dealing with a huge amount of PRs here (about 20-30 developers and therefor we can have 40 PRs open at any given time).

      Git settings are configured as per the manual and we've set the following configuration for the Git PR builder plugin
      Is this standard behavior for the Stash PR builder or am I missing something?

        1. Log.txt
          12 kB
          Upkar Rai
        2. image-2019-10-19-18-18-29-862.png
          213 kB
          Upkar Rai
        3. image-2019-10-19-18-15-07-799.png
          45 kB
          Upkar Rai
        4. config.xml.txt
          2 kB
          Upkar Rai

            proski Pavel Roskin
            upkarrai Upkar Rai
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
