Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins ver. 2.210
Nome ↓ Versão Activo
ace-editor 1.1 true
ant 1.10 true
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.6 true
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.10-2.0 true
authentication-tokens 1.3 true
authorize-project 1.3.0 true
bouncycastle-api 2.17 true
branch-api 2.5.5 true
build-timeout 1.19 true
cloudbees-folder 6.10.1 true
command-launcher 1.4 true
credentials 2.3.0 true
credentials-binding 1.20 true
display-url-api 2.3.2 true
docker-commons 1.15 true
docker-workflow 1.21 true
durable-task 1.33 true
email-ext 2.68 true
git 4.0.0 true
git-client 3.0.0 true
git-server 1.8 true
github 1.29.5 true
github-api 1.95 true
github-branch-source 2.5.8 true
gradle 1.34 true
handlebars 1.1.1 true
jackson2-api 2.10.1 true
jdk-tool 1.4 true
jquery-detached 1.2.1 true
jsch true
junit 1.28 true
keycloak 2.3.0 true
ldap 1.21 true
lockable-resources 2.7 true
mailer 1.29 true
mapdb-api true
matrix-auth 2.5 true
matrix-project 1.14 true
momentjs 1.1.1 true
pam-auth 1.6 true
pipeline-build-step 2.10 true
pipeline-github-lib 1.0 true
pipeline-graph-analysis 1.10 true
pipeline-input-step 2.11 true
pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1 true
pipeline-model-api 1.5.0 true
pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 true
pipeline-model-definition 1.5.0 true
pipeline-model-extensions 1.5.0 true
pipeline-rest-api 2.12 true
pipeline-stage-step 2.3 true
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.5.0 true
pipeline-stage-view 2.12 true
plain-credentials 1.5 true
resource-disposer 0.14 true
scm-api 2.6.3 true
script-security 1.68 true
ssh-credentials 1.18 true
ssh-slaves 1.31.0 true
structs 1.20 true
subversion 2.13.0 true
timestamper 1.10 true
token-macro 2.10 true
trilead-api 1.0.5 true
workflow-aggregator 2.6 true
workflow-api 2.38 true
workflow-basic-steps 2.18 true
workflow-cps 2.78 true
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.15 true
workflow-durable-task-step 2.35 true
workflow-job 2.36 true
workflow-multibranch 2.21 true
workflow-scm-step 2.9 true
workflow-step-api 2.21 true
workflow-support 3.3 true
ws-cleanup 0.38 trueJenkins ver. 2.210 Plugins Nome ↓ Versão Activo ace-editor 1.1 true ant 1.10 true antisamy-markup-formatter 1.6 true apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.10-2.0 true authentication-tokens 1.3 true authorize-project 1.3.0 true bouncycastle-api 2.17 true branch-api 2.5.5 true build-timeout 1.19 true cloudbees-folder 6.10.1 true command-launcher 1.4 true credentials 2.3.0 true credentials-binding 1.20 true display-url-api 2.3.2 true docker-commons 1.15 true docker-workflow 1.21 true durable-task 1.33 true email-ext 2.68 true git 4.0.0 true git-client 3.0.0 true git-server 1.8 true github 1.29.5 true github-api 1.95 true github-branch-source 2.5.8 true gradle 1.34 true handlebars 1.1.1 true jackson2-api 2.10.1 true jdk-tool 1.4 true jquery-detached 1.2.1 true jsch true junit 1.28 true keycloak 2.3.0 true ldap 1.21 true lockable-resources 2.7 true mailer 1.29 true mapdb-api true matrix-auth 2.5 true matrix-project 1.14 true momentjs 1.1.1 true pam-auth 1.6 true pipeline-build-step 2.10 true pipeline-github-lib 1.0 true pipeline-graph-analysis 1.10 true pipeline-input-step 2.11 true pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1 true pipeline-model-api 1.5.0 true pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 true pipeline-model-definition 1.5.0 true pipeline-model-extensions 1.5.0 true pipeline-rest-api 2.12 true pipeline-stage-step 2.3 true pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.5.0 true pipeline-stage-view 2.12 true plain-credentials 1.5 true resource-disposer 0.14 true scm-api 2.6.3 true script-security 1.68 true ssh-credentials 1.18 true ssh-slaves 1.31.0 true structs 1.20 true subversion 2.13.0 true timestamper 1.10 true token-macro 2.10 true trilead-api 1.0.5 true workflow-aggregator 2.6 true workflow-api 2.38 true workflow-basic-steps 2.18 true workflow-cps 2.78 true workflow-cps-global-lib 2.15 true workflow-durable-task-step 2.35 true workflow-job 2.36 true workflow-multibranch 2.21 true workflow-scm-step 2.9 true workflow-step-api 2.21 true workflow-support 3.3 true ws-cleanup 0.38 true
The "global security security settings link" in "project configuration" shown in the picture is rendering an URL relative to the current location, when it should be rendering an URL relative to the context.
The http://codep.gfi/jenkins/configureSecurity/ URL works as expected.
João Pereira