Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins version 2.214
Linux VM (Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS)
since the update of our jenkins to version 2.214 we encounter problems when being logged in as an administrative user (using the german language requested by the browser, this ist important).
The update indicator (showing jenkins update) produces an error:
org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: jar:file:/usr/local/jenkins/jenkins-home/war/WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-2.214.jar!/hudson/model/UpdateCenter/CoreUpdateMonitor/message.jelly:53:20: <j:otherwise> can't parse argument number: changelog.url
{{ at org.apache.commons.jelly.impl.TagScript.handleException(TagScript.java:726)}}
{{ at org.apache.commons.jelly.impl.TagScript.run(TagScript.java:281)}}
{{ at org.apache.commons.jelly.impl.ScriptBlock.run(ScriptBlock.java:95)}}
My guess is, that the following commit is the reason for this:
Maybe, all message properties should be changed to use "{2}" instead of "${changelog.url}" ?
The standard properties file contains the following message pattern:
{{NewVersionAvailable=<strong>New version of Jenkins ({0}) is available</strong> for <a href="{1}">download</a> }}
{{ (<a href="{2}">changelog</a>).}}
The german properties file producing the error contains the following pattern instead:
NewVersionAvailable=Eine neue Version von Jenkins ({0}) kann <a href="{1}">hier heruntergeladen</a> werden (<a href="${changelog.url}">Was ist neu?</a>).
As far as I saw there we additional files having the same pattern like the german one. Maybe they produce issues as well?
Best regards,
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-60824 CoreUpdateMonitor results in exception
- Resolved
- is related to
JENKINS-60834 Stacktrace when opening jenkins maintenance page
- Closed
JENKINS-54596 can't parse argument number: changelog.url
- Open
- links to
[JENKINS-60822] can't parse argument number: changelog.url
Link |
This issue is duplicated by |
Labels | New: regression |
Assignee | New: Jon Jon [ jon ] |
Assignee | Original: Jon Jon [ jon ] | New: Jon Brohauge [ jnz_topdanmark ] |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: In Progress [ 3 ] |
Status | Original: In Progress [ 3 ] | New: In Review [ 10005 ] |
I have exactly the same issue with chrome configured with french regional settings.
I changed Chrome regional setting to US english and it works.