this is the triggers section of my pipeline. None of these jobs are running automatically.
cron( getWorkSpace() =~ 'Nightly/MP-NightlyBuilds/branches/integration_branches/int_mp_ui' ? 'H 3 * * 2-6' :
getWorkSpace() =~ 'Nightly/MP-NightlyBuilds/branches/integration_branches/int_mp' ? 'H 1 * * 2-6' :
getWorkSpace() =~ 'Nightly/MP-NightlyBuilds/branches/integration_branches/int_mp_cp' ? 'H 0 * * 2-6' :
getWorkSpace() =~ 'WeeklyBuilds/MP_Weekly_570_Release/branches/integration_branches/int_mp_ui' ? 'H 23 * * 0' :
getWorkSpace() =~ 'WeeklyBuilds/MP_Weekly_570_Release/branches/integration_branches/int_mp' ? 'H 21 * * 0' :
getWorkSpace() =~ 'WeeklyBuilds/MP_Weekly_570_Release/branches/integration_branches/int_mp_cp' ? 'H 20 * * 0' :
getWorkSpace() == 'Nighlty/CP-NightlyBuilds/branches/int/int_cp' ? 'H 23 * * 1-5' :
this section of the pipeline works fine in a normal pipeline type job but not in the config driven type.
I noticed a typo in the line for the cp nightly build and corrected it. Here is the new line:
getWorkSpace() == 'Nightly/CP-NightlyBuilds/branches/int/int_cp' ? 'H 20 * * 4-6' :
but it still failed to trigger last night.