Resolution: Done
Some very nice work has been done by aleksisimell in Jenkins-54445 to add tags on every metrics, but we cannot use that feature if we are using a GlobalListener like we are doing with pipelines.
You can see in the code that null is always sent to the PublicationService.
It would be nice if we could somehow specify that parameter as build environment variable.
pipeline { options { timestamps() skipDefaultCheckout() } parameters { string(name: 'MY_TAG_VALUE', description: 'The value of the tag', defaultValue: 'test') string(name: 'MY_FIELD_VALUE', description: 'The value of the field', defaultValue: '10') } agent { label "master" } stages { stage ("Run") { steps { script { env.INFLUXDB_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_TAGS = 'custom_tag=${MY_TAG_VALUE}' env.INFLUXDB_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_FIELDS = "custom_field=${MY_FIELD_VALUE}" // It can also work with string interpolation } } } } }
- is related to
JENKINS-54445 Add more common tags for all measurements
- Closed
- links to
PR merged. Will be available in next release.