The branch indexing detects successfully all MRs and branches. But never starts the pipeline.

      It only tells  ‘Jenkinsfile’ found but is a directory not a file. It seems the checkout/lightweight checkout does not work. The above message shows up always. Regardless the auth method is ssh or https. Even if I enter a wrong password it fails with same error messages. In the jnkins system log there is an exceptions from the gitlab api.


      Here some logs:


      [Tue Aug 18 13:58:56 CEST 2020] Starting branch indexing...

      Unable to detect if it is a mirror or not still fetching MRs anyway...

      Checking branches..

      Checking branch master
            ‘Jenkinsfile’ found but is a directory not a file
      Does not meet criteria

      Checking branch test_branch

      Checking branch test_branch_2

      3 branches were processed

      Checking merge requests..

      Checking merge request !5
            ‘Jenkinsfile’ found but is a directory not a file
      Does not meet criteria

      Checking merge request !4
            ‘Jenkinsfile’ found but is a directory not a file
      Does not meet criteria

      2 merge requests were processed
      [Tue Aug 18 13:58:58 CEST 2020] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 2 sec
      Finished: SUCCESS



      System log:

      Aug 18, 2020 2:14:56 PM WARNING io.jenkins.plugins.gitlabbranchsource.GitLabSCMSource getMembers
      Exception while fetching membersorg.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApiException: user_id is invalid org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApiException: user_id is invalid at org.gitlab4j.api.AbstractApi.validate( at org.gitlab4j.api.AbstractApi.get( at org.gitlab4j.api.Pager.<init>( at org.gitlab4j.api.ProjectApi.getAllMembers( at org.gitlab4j.api.ProjectApi.getAllMembers( at io.jenkins.plugins.gitlabbranchsource.GitLabSCMSource.getMembers( at io.jenkins.plugins.gitlabbranchsource.GitLabSCMSource.retrieve( at jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource._retrieve( at jenkins.scm.api.SCMSource.fetch( at jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject.computeChildren( at com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.computed.ComputedFolder.updateChildren( at at jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject$ at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute( at



          [JENKINS-63435] Jenkinsfile not recognized

          David Jakob created issue -

            baymac Parichay Barpanda
            djv David Jakob
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            1 Start watching this issue
