Error occurred during the SSL handshake after P4 plugin is upgraded to 1.11.0 from 1.10.14
[Pipeline] p4sync 11:43:26 WARNING: Unknown parameter(s) found for class type 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.populate.ForceCleanImpl': modtime,replace,tidy 11:43:29 Executor number at runtime: 0 11:43:29 P4: Connection retry: 1 11:43:32 Error occurred during the SSL handshake: invalid SSL session
[JENKINS-63489] Error occurred during the SSL handshake after P4 plugin is upgraded to 1.11.0 from 1.10.14
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[ I have been using Jenkins on windows as a service (v.2.235) and also I am using P4 plugin. But I need to stop the service and start using jenkins from the cmd so I can have access to execute GUI applications in my pipeline. I downladed the latest jenkins.war(2.263.2 ) and execute it from the cmd, but now again I have the same issue of the SSL handshake, I have check the jenkins.xml file and it is the same as it was:
<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261\bin\java.exe</executable> <arguments>-DsecureSocketEnabledProtocols=TLSv1 -Xrs -Xmx256m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar "C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080 --webroot="%LocalAppData%\Jenkinswar"</arguments> Actually if closing the cmd and starting the service back again the handshake works just fine. So I am wondering if I need to change the configuration in any other file when running it from the cmd maybe? any help is much appreciated. Thanks ] |
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[ Hi [~latalavera] ,
"Now and again" seems strange. If it didnt work at the command line I would say that either the correct SSL libaries were not installed in the Java you were using or it was not picking up the correct arguments from the config file. Can you please raise a case with '' and include the full console output where it fails and the output from 'p4 -Ztag info' run against your P4D server. Thanks in advance, Karl ] |
The new version of the plugin upgraded the base TLS version used. From the release notes:
P4Java now defaults to TLSv1.2 for SSL connections (previously TLSv1) to use an older version please refer to our KB article.
Its possible that your P4D server does not support TLSv1.2 or has been fixed at TSLv1 so you may need to try the workaround mention in the KB article to downgrade the version of TLS used by P4Jenkins.