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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-63825

Durations in the support bundle are affected by the locale

    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • support-core-plugin
    • None
    •   * support-core:2.56 'Support Core Plugin'

      Jenkins started with the following system properties:

            - arg[3]: `-Dfile.encoding=SJIS`
            - arg[4]: `-Dsun.jnu.encoding=SJIS`
            - arg[5]: `-Duser.language=ja`
            - arg[6]: `-Duser.timezone=Asia/Tokyo`

      this results in duration printed like this:

        * Process uptime: 17 日

      As far as I understand, the bundle is produced in UTC and non-localized to minimize variability and enable at least partial automatic processing. Hence durations should be localized.

          [JENKINS-63825] Durations in the support bundle are affected by the locale

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            escoem Emilio Escobar
            duemir Denys Digtiar
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