Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.249.1
AWS Plugins:
ec2:1.53 # Amazon EC2 plugin
aws-credentials:1.28 # CloudBees AWS
aws-java-sdk:1.11.854 # Amazon Web Services SDK
amazon-ecr:1.6 # Amazon ECR plugin
configuration-as-code:1.44 # Configuration as Code Plugin
configuration-as-code-support:1.18 # Configuration as Code Support Plugin
Other plugins:
ace-editor:1.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin
analysis-model-api:9.1.0 # Analysis Model API Plugin
ant:1.11 # Ant Plugin
antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1 # OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.10-2.0 # Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin
authentication-tokens:1.4 # Authentication Tokens API Plugin
authorize-project:1.3.0 # Authorize Project
badge:1.8 # Badge
bootstrap4-api:4.5.2-1 # Bootstrap 4 API Plugin
bouncycastle-api:2.18 # bouncycastle API Plugin
branch-api:2.6.0 # Branch API Plugin
build-monitor-plugin:1.12+build.201809061734 # Build Monitor View
build-token-root:1.7 # Build Authorization Token Root Plugin
build-token-trigger:1.0.0 # Build Token Trigger Plugin
checks-api:1.0.2 # Checks API plugin
cloudbees-folder:6.14 # Folders Plugin
cobertura:1.16 # Cobertura Plugin
code-coverage-api:1.2.0 # Code Coverage API Plugin
command-launcher:1.4 # Command Agent Launcher Plugin
credentials:2.3.13 # Credentials Plugin
credentials-binding:1.23 # Credentials Binding Plugin
data-tables-api:1.10.21-2 # DataTables.net API Plugin
display-url-api:2.3.3 # Display URL API
docker-build-publish:1.3.2 # CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin
docker-commons:1.17 # Docker Commons Plugin
docker-java-api: # Docker API Plugin
docker-plugin:1.2.1 # Docker plugin
docker-workflow:1.24 # Docker Pipeline
dtkit-api:2.2.1 # DTKit 2 API.
durable-task:1.35 # Durable Task Plugin
echarts-api:4.9.0-1 # ECharts API Plugin
email-ext:2.77 # Email Extension Plugin
extended-read-permission:3.2 # Extended Read Permission Plugin
external-monitor-job:1.7 # External Monitor Job Type Plugin
font-awesome-api:5.14.0-1 # Font Awesome API Plugin
forensics-api:0.7.0 # Forensics API Plugin
generic-webhook-trigger:1.68 # Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin
git:4.4.4 # Git plugin
git-client:3.5.1 # Git client plugin
git-server:1.9 # GIT server Plugin
greenballs:1.15 # Green Balls
groovy:2.3 # Groovy
groovy-postbuild:2.5 # Groovy Postbuild
handlebars:1.1.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin
http_request:1.8.26 # HTTP Request Plugin
jackson2-api:2.11.3 # Jackson 2 API Plugin
javadoc:1.6 # Javadoc Plugin
jdk-tool:1.4 # Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin
job-dsl:1.77 # Job DSL
jquery-detached:1.2.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin
jquery3-api:3.5.1-1 # JQuery3 API Plugin
jsch: # JSch dependency plugin
junit:1.38 # JUnit Plugin
last-changes:2.7.9 # Last Changes Plugin
ldap:1.26 # LDAP Plugin
lockable-resources:2.10 # Lockable Resources plugin
mailer:1.32.1 # Mailer Plugin
mapdb-api: # MapDB API Plugin
material-theme:0.3.1 # Material Theme
matrix-auth:2.6.3 # Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
matrix-project:1.18 # Matrix Project Plugin
momentjs:1.1.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin
monitoring:1.86.0 # Monitoring
node-iterator-api:1.5.0 # Node Iterator API Plugin
pam-auth:1.6 # PAM Authentication plugin
phabricator-plugin:2.1.3 # Phabricator Differential Plugin
pipeline-build-step:2.13 # Pipeline: Build Step
pipeline-graph-analysis:1.10 # Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin
pipeline-input-step:2.12 # Pipeline: Input Step
pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.1 # Pipeline: Milestone Step
pipeline-model-api:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Model API
pipeline-model-declarative-agent:1.1.1 # Pipeline: Declarative Agent API
pipeline-model-definition:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Declarative
pipeline-model-extensions:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API
pipeline-rest-api:2.17 # Pipeline: REST API Plugin
pipeline-stage-step:2.5 # Pipeline: Stage Step
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata
pipeline-stage-view:2.17 # Pipeline: Stage View Plugin
pipeline-utility-steps:2.6.1 # Pipeline Utility Steps
plain-credentials:1.7 # Plain Credentials Plugin
plugin-util-api:1.3.0 # Plugin Utilities API Plugin
popper-api:1.16.0-6 # Popper.js API Plugin
rebuild:1.31 # Rebuilder
resource-disposer:0.14 # Resource Disposer Plugin
reverse-proxy-auth-plugin:1.6.3 # Reverse Proxy Auth Plugin
role-strategy:3.1 # Role-based Authorization Strategy
scm-api:2.6.4 # SCM API Plugin
script-security:1.75 # Script Security Plugin
simple-theme-plugin:0.6 # Simple Theme Plugin
slack:2.43 # Slack Notification Plugin
snakeyaml-api:1.27.0 # Snakeyaml API Plugin
ssh-agent:1.20 # SSH Agent Plugin
ssh-credentials:1.18.1 # SSH Credentials Plugin
ssh-slaves:1.31.2 # SSH Build Agents plugin
structs:1.20 # Structs Plugin
subversion:2.13.1 # Subversion Plug-in
test-results-analyzer:0.3.5 # Test Results Analyzer Plugin
theme-manager:0.5 # Theme Manager (Incubating)
token-macro:2.12 # Token Macro Plugin
trilead-api:1.0.11 # Trilead API Plugin
variant:1.3 # Variant Plugin
view-job-filters:2.3 # View Job Filters
warnings-ng:8.4.4 # Warnings Next Generation Plugin
windows-slaves:1.7 # WMI Windows Agents Plugin
workflow-aggregator:2.6 # Pipeline
workflow-api:2.40 # Pipeline: API
workflow-basic-steps:2.22 # Pipeline: Basic Steps
workflow-cps:2.83 # Pipeline: Groovy
workflow-cps-global-lib:2.17 # Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries
workflow-durable-task-step:2.36 # Pipeline: Nodes and Processes
workflow-job:2.40 # Pipeline: Job
workflow-multibranch:2.22 # Pipeline: Multibranch
workflow-scm-step:2.11 # Pipeline: SCM Step
workflow-step-api:2.22 # Pipeline: Step API
workflow-support:3.5 # Pipeline: Supporting APIs
ws-cleanup:0.38 # Workspace Cleanup Plugin
xunit:2.3.9 # xUnit pluginJenkins 2.249.1 AWS Plugins: ec2:1.53 # Amazon EC2 plugin aws-credentials:1.28 # CloudBees AWS aws-java-sdk:1.11.854 # Amazon Web Services SDK amazon-ecr:1.6 # Amazon ECR plugin JCasC: configuration-as-code:1.44 # Configuration as Code Plugin configuration-as-code-support:1.18 # Configuration as Code Support Plugin Other plugins: ace-editor:1.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin analysis-model-api:9.1.0 # Analysis Model API Plugin ant:1.11 # Ant Plugin antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1 # OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.10-2.0 # Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin authentication-tokens:1.4 # Authentication Tokens API Plugin authorize-project:1.3.0 # Authorize Project badge:1.8 # Badge bootstrap4-api:4.5.2-1 # Bootstrap 4 API Plugin bouncycastle-api:2.18 # bouncycastle API Plugin branch-api:2.6.0 # Branch API Plugin build-monitor-plugin:1.12+build.201809061734 # Build Monitor View build-token-root:1.7 # Build Authorization Token Root Plugin build-token-trigger:1.0.0 # Build Token Trigger Plugin checks-api:1.0.2 # Checks API plugin cloudbees-folder:6.14 # Folders Plugin cobertura:1.16 # Cobertura Plugin code-coverage-api:1.2.0 # Code Coverage API Plugin command-launcher:1.4 # Command Agent Launcher Plugin credentials:2.3.13 # Credentials Plugin credentials-binding:1.23 # Credentials Binding Plugin data-tables-api:1.10.21-2 # DataTables.net API Plugin display-url-api:2.3.3 # Display URL API docker-build-publish:1.3.2 # CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin docker-commons:1.17 # Docker Commons Plugin docker-java-api: # Docker API Plugin docker-plugin:1.2.1 # Docker plugin docker-workflow:1.24 # Docker Pipeline dtkit-api:2.2.1 # DTKit 2 API. durable-task:1.35 # Durable Task Plugin echarts-api:4.9.0-1 # ECharts API Plugin email-ext:2.77 # Email Extension Plugin extended-read-permission:3.2 # Extended Read Permission Plugin external-monitor-job:1.7 # External Monitor Job Type Plugin font-awesome-api:5.14.0-1 # Font Awesome API Plugin forensics-api:0.7.0 # Forensics API Plugin generic-webhook-trigger:1.68 # Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin git:4.4.4 # Git plugin git-client:3.5.1 # Git client plugin git-server:1.9 # GIT server Plugin greenballs:1.15 # Green Balls groovy:2.3 # Groovy groovy-postbuild:2.5 # Groovy Postbuild handlebars:1.1.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin http_request:1.8.26 # HTTP Request Plugin jackson2-api:2.11.3 # Jackson 2 API Plugin javadoc:1.6 # Javadoc Plugin jdk-tool:1.4 # Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin job-dsl:1.77 # Job DSL jquery-detached:1.2.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin jquery3-api:3.5.1-1 # JQuery3 API Plugin jsch: # JSch dependency plugin junit:1.38 # JUnit Plugin last-changes:2.7.9 # Last Changes Plugin ldap:1.26 # LDAP Plugin lockable-resources:2.10 # Lockable Resources plugin mailer:1.32.1 # Mailer Plugin mapdb-api: # MapDB API Plugin material-theme:0.3.1 # Material Theme matrix-auth:2.6.3 # Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin matrix-project:1.18 # Matrix Project Plugin momentjs:1.1.1 # JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin monitoring:1.86.0 # Monitoring node-iterator-api:1.5.0 # Node Iterator API Plugin pam-auth:1.6 # PAM Authentication plugin phabricator-plugin:2.1.3 # Phabricator Differential Plugin pipeline-build-step:2.13 # Pipeline: Build Step pipeline-graph-analysis:1.10 # Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin pipeline-input-step:2.12 # Pipeline: Input Step pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.1 # Pipeline: Milestone Step pipeline-model-api:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Model API pipeline-model-declarative-agent:1.1.1 # Pipeline: Declarative Agent API pipeline-model-definition:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Declarative pipeline-model-extensions:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API pipeline-rest-api:2.17 # Pipeline: REST API Plugin pipeline-stage-step:2.5 # Pipeline: Stage Step pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.7.2 # Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata pipeline-stage-view:2.17 # Pipeline: Stage View Plugin pipeline-utility-steps:2.6.1 # Pipeline Utility Steps plain-credentials:1.7 # Plain Credentials Plugin plugin-util-api:1.3.0 # Plugin Utilities API Plugin popper-api:1.16.0-6 # Popper.js API Plugin rebuild:1.31 # Rebuilder resource-disposer:0.14 # Resource Disposer Plugin reverse-proxy-auth-plugin:1.6.3 # Reverse Proxy Auth Plugin role-strategy:3.1 # Role-based Authorization Strategy scm-api:2.6.4 # SCM API Plugin script-security:1.75 # Script Security Plugin simple-theme-plugin:0.6 # Simple Theme Plugin slack:2.43 # Slack Notification Plugin snakeyaml-api:1.27.0 # Snakeyaml API Plugin ssh-agent:1.20 # SSH Agent Plugin ssh-credentials:1.18.1 # SSH Credentials Plugin ssh-slaves:1.31.2 # SSH Build Agents plugin structs:1.20 # Structs Plugin subversion:2.13.1 # Subversion Plug-in test-results-analyzer:0.3.5 # Test Results Analyzer Plugin theme-manager:0.5 # Theme Manager (Incubating) token-macro:2.12 # Token Macro Plugin trilead-api:1.0.11 # Trilead API Plugin variant:1.3 # Variant Plugin view-job-filters:2.3 # View Job Filters warnings-ng:8.4.4 # Warnings Next Generation Plugin windows-slaves:1.7 # WMI Windows Agents Plugin workflow-aggregator:2.6 # Pipeline workflow-api:2.40 # Pipeline: API workflow-basic-steps:2.22 # Pipeline: Basic Steps workflow-cps:2.83 # Pipeline: Groovy workflow-cps-global-lib:2.17 # Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries workflow-durable-task-step:2.36 # Pipeline: Nodes and Processes workflow-job:2.40 # Pipeline: Job workflow-multibranch:2.22 # Pipeline: Multibranch workflow-scm-step:2.11 # Pipeline: SCM Step workflow-step-api:2.22 # Pipeline: Step API workflow-support:3.5 # Pipeline: Supporting APIs ws-cleanup:0.38 # Workspace Cleanup Plugin xunit:2.3.9 # xUnit plugin
I changed the name of my cloud from `dev-ec2` to `ec2` (though JCasC, but I don''t think it matters).
After this change I got:
Oct 13, 2020 9:31:16 AM SEVERE hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask run
Timer task hudson.slaves.ComputerRetentionWork@7066e107 failed
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer.getSlaveTemplate(EC2Computer.java:86)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.internalCheck(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:130)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:107)
at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:52)
at hudson.slaves.ComputerRetentionWork$1.run(ComputerRetentionWork.java:70)
at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(Queue.java:1398)
at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(Queue.java:1275)
at hudson.slaves.ComputerRetentionWork.doRun(ComputerRetentionWork.java:61)
at hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask.run(SafeTimerTask.java:91)
at jenkins.security.ImpersonatingScheduledExecutorService$1.run(ImpersonatingScheduledExecutorService.java:58)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:308)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180)
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:294)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
When the plugin was tryng to launch new nodes.
I fixed it by changing the EC2 name back - but it took a long time to find this as the error is when trying to get spot instance. I only did this after finding the source code:
(and guessing that `getCloud()` (might be returning a null value).
this might be related to:
They have similar errors, but there were no actionable resolutions in them (for me at least).
I am seeing the same behaviour when I change the cloud name through the UI.
Repo steps:
I see the node fails to launch and I get a callstack like above in the Jenkins logs.