Resolution: Fixed
jenkins: 2.273
parameterized-trigger: 2.40
OS: ubuntu1.18.04
It could be a side-effect on 2.40 (pre-release)
Jenkins failed if Block until the triggered projects finish their builds checked in POST build stage.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a free style project
2. Add a post-build action >> Add "Execute script" >> Add "post build step" >> Add "build step" >> trigger/call build on other project
3. Trigger any project which will return SUCCESS and tick the option "block until triggered project finish their builds"
4. Build the free style project
NOTE: if the downstream job return FAILURE, there is no exception.
Error Console Log:
... [PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts. Run condition [Always] enabling perform for step [Trigger/call builds on other projects] Waiting for the completion of test-pipeline test-pipeline #482 started. test-pipeline #482 completed. Result was SUCCESS ERROR: Build step failed with exception java.lang.NullPointerException at hudson.model.Run.setResult(Run.java:503) at hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.TriggerBuilder.perform(TriggerBuilder.java:154) at org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition.BuildStepRunner$2.run(BuildStepRunner.java:112) at org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition.BuildStepRunner$Fail.conditionalRun(BuildStepRunner.java:156) at org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition.BuildStepRunner.perform(BuildStepRunner.java:107) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.conditionalbuildstep.singlestep.SingleConditionalBuilder.perform(SingleConditionalBuilder.java:108) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.processor.Processor.processBuildSteps(Processor.java:180) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.processor.Processor.processScripts(Processor.java:91) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.processor.Processor.process(Processor.java:79) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.processor.Processor.process(Processor.java:73) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.PostBuildScript.perform(PostBuildScript.java:116) at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(BuildStepMonitor.java:20) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(AbstractBuild.java:803) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(AbstractBuild.java:752) at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(Build.java:177) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.post(AbstractBuild.java:697) at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1932) at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43) at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:97) at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:429) Build step 'Execute scripts' marked build as failure
Installed plugins version:
ace-editor | 1.1 | true |
allure-jenkins-plugin | 2.29.0 | true |
analysis-core | 1.96 | true |
android-emulator | 3.1.2 | true |
ansicolor | 0.7.3 | true |
ant | 1.11 | true |
antisamy-markup-formatter | 2.1 | true |
any-buildstep | 0.1 | true |
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api | 4.5.10-2.0 | true |
appcenter | 0.10.1 | true |
authentication-tokens | 1.4 | true |
badge | 1.8 | true |
bootstrap4-api | 4.5.3-1 | true |
bouncycastle-api | 2.18 | true |
branch-api | 2.6.3 | true |
build-blocker-plugin | 1.7.3 | true |
build-environment | 1.7 | true |
build-name-setter | 2.1.0 | true |
build-timeout | 1.20 | true |
checks-api | 1.2.0 | true |
checkstyle | 4.0.0 | true |
clone-workspace-scm | 0.6 | true |
cloudbees-folder | 6.15 | true |
cloverphp | 0.5 | true |
cmakebuilder | 2.6.3 | true |
command-launcher | 1.5 | true |
conditional-buildstep | 1.4.1 | true |
config-file-provider | 3.7.0 | true |
copyartifact | 1.45.3 | true |
credentials | 2.3.14 | true |
credentials-binding | 1.24 | true |
customize-build-now | 1.1 | true |
dashboard-view | 2.14 | true |
debian-package-builder | 1.6.11 | true |
disk-usage | 0.28 | true |
diskcheck | 0.30 | true |
display-url-api | 2.3.4 | true |
docker-build-step | 2.6 | true |
docker-commons | 1.17 | true |
docker-slaves | 1.0.7 | true |
docker-workflow | 1.25 | true |
dry | 3.0.0 | true |
dtkit-api | 3.0.0 | true |
durable-task | 1.35 | true |
echarts-api | 4.9.0-2 | true |
email-ext | 2.80 | true |
envinject | 2.4.0 | true |
envinject-api | 1.7 | true |
environment-script | 1.2.5 | true |
extended-read-permission | 3.2 | true |
external-monitor-job | 1.7 | true |
fail-the-build-plugin | 1.0 | true |
flexible-publish | 0.15.2 | true |
font-awesome-api | 5.15.1-1 | true |
git | 4.5.1 | true |
git-client | 3.6.0 | true |
git-parameter | 0.9.13 | true |
git-server | 1.9 | true |
github | 1.32.0 | true |
github-api | 1.117 | true |
github-branch-source | 2.9.3 | true |
github-organization-folder | 1.6 | true |
google-oauth-plugin | 1.0.2 | true |
google-play-android-publisher | 4.1-SNAPSHOT (private-758cb13d-wangpy) | true |
gradle | 1.36 | true |
groovy | 2.3 | true |
groovy-postbuild | 2.5 | true |
handlebars | 1.1.1 | true |
htmlpublisher | 1.25 | true |
icon-shim | 2.0.3 | true |
ivy | 2.1 | true |
jackson2-api | 2.12.0 | true |
javadoc | 1.6 | true |
jaxb | | true |
jdepend | 1.3.0 | true |
jdk-tool | 1.4 | true |
JDK_Parameter_Plugin | 1.0 | true |
jobConfigHistory | 2.26 | true |
jquery | 1.12.4-1 | true |
jquery-detached | 1.2.1 | true |
jquery-ui | 1.0.2 | true |
jquery3-api | 3.5.1-2 | true |
jsch | | true |
junit | 1.48 | true |
junit-attachments | 1.6 | true |
kpp-management-plugin | 1.0.0 | true |
label-linked-jobs | 6.0.1 | true |
ldap | 2.2 | true |
locale | 1.4 | true |
lockable-resources | 2.10 | true |
mailer | 1.32.1 | true |
mapdb-api | | true |
matrix-auth | 2.6.4 | true |
matrix-combinations-parameter | 1.3.1 | true |
matrix-project | 1.18 | true |
maven-plugin | 3.8 | true |
metrics | | true |
metrics-diskusage | 3.0.0 | true |
momentjs | 1.1.1 | true |
msbuild | 1.29 | true |
multi-branch-project-plugin | 0.7 | true |
multi-module-tests-publisher | 1.44 | true |
next-build-number | 1.6 | true |
nodejs | 1.3.10 | true |
oauth-credentials | 0.4 | true |
okhttp-api | 3.14.9 | true |
pam-auth | 1.6 | true |
parameterized-trigger | 2.40-rc561.7ebe4c893148 | true |
pipeline-build-step | 2.13 | true |
pipeline-github-lib | 1.0 | true |
pipeline-graph-analysis | 1.10 | true |
pipeline-input-step | 2.12 | true |
pipeline-milestone-step | 1.3.1 | true |
pipeline-model-api | 1.7.2 | true |
pipeline-model-declarative-agent | 1.1.1 | true |
pipeline-model-definition | 1.7.2 | true |
pipeline-model-extensions | 1.7.2 | true |
pipeline-rest-api | 2.19 | true |
pipeline-stage-step | 2.5 | true |
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata | 1.7.2 | true |
pipeline-stage-view | 2.19 | true |
pipeline-utility-steps | 2.6.1 | true |
plain-credentials | 1.7 | true |
plot | 2.1.8 | true |
plugin-util-api | 1.6.1 | true |
pollscm | 1.3.1 | true |
popper-api | 1.16.0-7 | true |
port-allocator | 1.8 | true |
postbuildscript | 2.11.0 | true |
preSCMbuildstep | 0.3 | true |
pyenv | 0.0.7 | true |
python | 1.3 | true |
rebuild | 1.31 | true |
release | 2.11 | true |
resource-disposer | 0.14 | true |
role-strategy | 3.1 | true |
ruby-runtime | 0.13 | true |
run-condition | 1.5 | true |
scm-api | 2.6.4 | true |
scons | 0.4 | true |
script-security | 1.75 | true |
slack | 2.45 | true |
snakeyaml-api | 1.27.0 | true |
ssh | 2.6.1 | true |
ssh-agent | 1.20 | true |
ssh-credentials | 1.18.1 | true |
ssh-slaves | 1.31.4 | true |
startup-trigger-plugin | 2.9.3 | true |
structs | 1.20 | true |
subversion | 2.13.2 | true |
testflight | 1.3.9 | true |
text-finder | 1.15 | true |
thinBackup | 1.10 | true |
token-macro | 2.13 | true |
trac | 1.13 | true |
translation | 1.16 | true |
trilead-api | 1.0.13 | true |
ui-samples-plugin | 2.0 | true |
valgrind | 0.28 | true |
variant | 1.3 | true |
violations | 0.7.11 | true |
windows-slaves | 1.7 | true |
workflow-aggregator | 2.6 | true |
workflow-api | 2.40 | true |
workflow-basic-steps | 2.23 | true |
workflow-cps | 2.87 | true |
workflow-cps-global-lib | 2.17 | true |
workflow-durable-task-step | 2.37 | true |
workflow-job | 2.40 | true |
workflow-multibranch | 2.22 | true |
workflow-scm-step | 2.11 | true |
workflow-step-api | 2.23 | true |
workflow-support | 3.7 | true |
ws-cleanup | 0.38 | true |
xcode-plugin | 2.0.14 | true |
xunit | 3.0.0 | true |
- duplicates
JENKINS-64502 parameterized-trigger broken configure UI on Jenkins >=2.264
- Resolved
Duplicates JENKINS-64502 , fix was released yesterday