I just experienced this issue with child scans of multibranch pipelines in a GitHub organization folder. I had child scans set to run weekly, if not run otherwise, and when run, the scans picked up all tags, regardless of date, causing Jenkins to be flooded with hundreds of builds. Later today, I am going to try an organization scan to see if the issue occurs when scanning at that level, as well as tweaking the number of days of tags to keep.
I've attached a screenshot with my current settings, so hopefully this helpful for whoever decides to take this on. I will also take a look at the code this afternoon, but it's been a while since I've worked with Java, so I don't know how much I'll be able to help. Thanks in advance!
cc: rsandell, bitwiseman
I reassigned this to the basic branch build strategies plugin because it provides this capability and describes it in the user documentation.