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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-65065

Stop fetching data after build finishes or pause when tab is inactive

      In build view in blue ocean 

      (e.g. https://anonymised/blue/organizations/jenkins/build-job/detail/build-job/5364/pipeline/830)

      pulling from a jenkins master continues even though a build already finished.

      Basically things like:

      Request URL:
      Event stream - hundreds/thousands of messages like:

      {"jenkins_event_uuid":"384d9c08-5114-427b-b701-cf67e3bfa454","sse_subs_dispatcher_inst":"1117208742","pipeline_job_name":"repository-builder-sumologic/PR-2342","pipeline_run_id":"1","jenkins_event_timestamp":"1615304586265","pipeline_step_name":"sh","pipeline_step_stage_id":"402","pipeline_step_is_paused":"false","pipeline_step_flownode_id":"402","jenkins_event":"pipeline_stage","pipeline_step_stage_name":"Checkout branch PR-2342","sse_subs_dispatcher":"jenkins-blueocean-core-js-1615302278422-5iyp3","pipeline_context":"2/3/4/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/150/151/152/156/160/161/166/167/169/360/362/363/364/365/370/371/372/373/394/395/396/397","jenkins_instance_url":"https://anonymised","jenkins_channel":"pipeline"}


      In our case tis is problematic because after some time we get timeouts on some middle layers we have (SSO in our case), thus whole build view gets frozen:

      After that happen, java script continues to send ping request to jenkins master.


      Ideally would be to stop sending requests after build finishes. And pause pulling if tab is not active (which I guess is a separate improvement proposal).

      Otherwise we're not able to use the view if tab was opened for some time.

          [JENKINS-65065] Stop fetching data after build finishes or pause when tab is inactive

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mwos Michał Woś
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