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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-65741

Bitbucket commit status should include jenkins server URL

      There might be more than one Jenkins instance for whatever reason serving the same Bitbucket repository - they might be separate CI and CD servers or CD servers per region or whatever other reason, really.

      Right now build statuses (if jobs were named the same way) clashes so you can only see the last (slowest job) status.

      There should be a new option for the build status trait that allows to include jenkins root URL into commit status.

          [JENKINS-65741] Bitbucket commit status should include jenkins server URL

          Dee Kryvenko added a comment -

          Dee Kryvenko added a comment - PR please  https://github.com/jenkinsci/bitbucket-branch-source-plugin/pull/454

            llibicpep Dee Kryvenko
            llibicpep Dee Kryvenko
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