Resolution: Done
Using app bundles, it's possible to publish a Wearable app bundle in the same store listing as your main app bundle. This effectively means, you can have 2 bundles with different `versionCode`'s in a single release.
See the official docs:
- https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9859348?hl=en#zippy=%2Cincluded-app-bundles-and-apks
- https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9859348?hl=en#zippy=%2Cnot-included-app-bundles-and-apks
When updating 1 of those bundles, the Play Store offers an option, to include a previous app bundle. step_1.png
Once included, you'll see a new Release can be made. step_2.png
It would be nice, if this works using this plugin as well.
After publishing such a release, this is how it looks in the Release Track. step_3.png
My proposal would be to add an extra field to `androidApkUpload` where it's possible to specify the versionCode's of the bundles that need to be included/retained.
NOTE: this is different from including expansion files. Since for this feature we are actually keeping existing *.aab files, instead of expansion *.apk's.