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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-67602

java.lang.NullPointerException with archiveArtifacts

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • core
    • None
    • Debian and Centos
      Jenkins 2.321
    • 2.340

      Our call to archiveArtifacts fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException.

      The call to archiveArtifacts  is from inside a Jenkins shared library file

      // File: libs/vars/doSomething.groovy
      archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/licenses/**', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true, followSymlinks: false


      This is called from our pipeline script as follow:

      // File: Jenkinsfile.groovy
      pipeline {
         stage ('') {
             matrix { 
                 stages {
                     stage('archive stage') {
                         steps {
                             script {
                                 doSomething( ... )

      This worked for quite a long time until recently and then it started failing. 

      If I look at the Build Artifacts of the job it seems like it did archive a lot of "licenses".

      We have a preceding archiveArtifacts call that does not fail.

      For now I have wrapped the call in a try-catch block and at least it does not fail the build anymore and it reports the exception in the log:

      try {
          archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/licenses/**', fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true, followSymlinks: false
      catch (Exception e) {
          echo 'Exception occurred with archive licenses: ' + e.toString()

      The build log output

      [Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
      Archiving artifacts
      Recording fingerprints
      [Pipeline] echo
      Exception occurred with archive licenses: java.lang.NullPointerException


          [JENKINS-67602] java.lang.NullPointerException with archiveArtifacts

          Carel Combrink created issue -
          Carel Combrink made changes -
          Attachment New: Jenkinsfile.groovy [ 57174 ]
          Carel Combrink made changes -
          Attachment New: licenses.zip [ 57175 ]
          Alexander Brandes made changes -
          Released As New: 2.339
          Resolution New: Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Original: Open [ 1 ] New: Closed [ 6 ]
          Basil Crow made changes -
          Resolution Original: Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Original: Closed [ 6 ] New: Reopened [ 4 ]
          Basil Crow made changes -
          Released As Original: 2.339 New: 2.340
          Resolution New: Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Original: Reopened [ 4 ] New: Closed [ 6 ]

            Unassigned Unassigned
            carelc Carel Combrink
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
