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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-68060

Klocwork plugin should allow for more than one trend chart


      In the case of embedded development, an application can run on more than one processor on the same board, and therefore  more than one klocwork analysis is made within the same pipeline.

      The bottleneck here is the trend chart display. It is currently impossible to name the trend chart and to have more than one trend chart for a given pipeline.


      So the enhancement would be in klocworkIntegrationStep2 :

      • Have a Trend Chart Name field taken into account when displayChart is true
      • Be able to display more than one trend chart, differentiated with the given name.

            jlarfors Jacob Lärfors
            jielpe_fr38 Jean-Luc Pé
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
