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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-68727

workflow-durable-task-step update uninstallable


      See https://github.com/jenkins-infra/update-center2/pull/599. Since https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-api-plugin/releases/tag/1162.va_1e49062a_00e is not available to 2.319.x users, https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-durable-task-step-plugin/releases/tag/1144.vd77b_57189936 should be prohibited as well, but apparently it is offered on the UC and then cannot be loaded after restart.

      It seems like a bug in Jenkins core that it even permits you to install the latter when its declared dependency is not satisfied, and/or a bug in the update center that it offers such an update. (The block added in update-center2#599 is to prevent you from accidentally installing a plugin update that effectively requires another plugin update—updating workflow-api but not workflow-cps—beyond what Jenkins plugin metadata is currently capable of expressing.)

            jglick Jesse Glick
            jglick Jesse Glick
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