Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins Master is running on Linux.
Jenkins Slave is running on Windows.
Currnetly, the Slave log is broken on the Jenkins Master screen.
I'm currently uploading Jenkins Pods on Kubernetes via Jenkinsci.
My Configuration system variable is like the below info. (Master Server)
file.encoding | UTF-8 |
sun.io.unicode.encoding | UnicodeLittle |
sun.jnu.encoding | ANSI_X3.4-1968 |
user.country | US |
user.language | en |
user.timezone | Etc/UTC |
Is there any way to change sun.jnu.encoding to UTF-8? (I tried to see if this was the problem, but failed.)
In the Slave Server itself, the string is output without breaking the CMD windows.
I applied -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 to the JAVA_OPTS side, but it was not reflected.
The environment variables are as follows,
JAVA_OPTS | -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m |
LANG | ko_kr.UTF-8 |
LANGUAGE | ko_kr.UTF-8 |
LC_ALL | ko_kr.UTF-8 |
Also, When I run the slave agent, I added the option as follows,
java jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 agent.jar -jnlpUrl http://JENKINS_URL/computer/SlaveServerName/jenkins-agent.jnlp -secret SECRECT_KEY -workDir "/home"
The actual output standard output is as follows,{}
How can I see the log string..?
By the way, Locale is Korea.
[JENKINS-68914] Slave Log Standard Out result is broken in Jenkins slave server
Description |
Currnetly, the Slave log is broken on the Jenkins Master screen.
My Configuration system variable is like the below info. (Master Server) |file.encoding|UTF-8| |sun.io.unicode.encoding|UnicodeLittle| |sun.jnu.encoding|ANSI_X3.4-1968| |user.country|US| |user.language|en| |user.timezone|Etc/UTC| The environment variables are as follows, |JAVA_OPTS|-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m| |LANG|ko_kr.UTF-8| |LANGUAGE|ko_kr.UTF-8| |LC_ALL|ko_kr.UTF-8| Also, When I run the slave agent, I added the option as follows, {{{}java -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-{}}}{{{}8{}}} {{{}agent.jar -jnlpUrl http:{}}}{{{}//JENKINS_URL/computer/SlaveServerName/jenkins-agent.jnlp -secret SECRECT_KEY -workDir "/home"{}}} {{}} The actual output standard output is as follows,{{{}{}}} !image-2022-07-04-17-07-38-032.png! How can I see the log string..? By the way, Locale is Korea. |
Currnetly, the Slave log is broken on the Jenkins Master screen.
I'm currently uploading Jenkins Pods on Kubernetes via Jenkinsci. My Configuration system variable is like the below info. (Master Server) |file.encoding|UTF-8| |sun.io.unicode.encoding|UnicodeLittle| |sun.jnu.encoding|ANSI_X3.4-1968| |user.country|US| |user.language|en| |user.timezone|Etc/UTC| Is there any way to change sun.jnu.encoding to UTF-8? (I tried to see if this was the problem, but failed.) In the Slave Server itself, the string is output without breaking the CMD windows. I applied -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 to the JAVA_OPTS side, but it was not reflected. The environment variables are as follows, |JAVA_OPTS|-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m| |LANG|ko_kr.UTF-8| |LANGUAGE|ko_kr.UTF-8| |LC_ALL|ko_kr.UTF-8| Also, When I run the slave agent, I added the option as follows, {{{}java -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-{}}}{{{}8{}}} {{{}agent.jar -jnlpUrl http:{}}}{{{}//JENKINS_URL/computer/SlaveServerName/jenkins-agent.jnlp -secret SECRECT_KEY -workDir "/home"{}}} {{}} The actual output standard output is as follows,{{{{}}{}}} !image-2022-07-04-17-07-38-032.png! How can I see the log string..? By the way, Locale is Korea. |
Labels | Original: Korea encoding jenkins locale slave-agent | New: Korea encoding jenkins kubernetes-jenkinsci-helm-chart locale slave-agent |