Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.346.2 (it worked in the "old" 2.332.X
Java 11
No container
Tested with current Firefox, Microsoft Edge Chromium, Chrome - same behavior
Powered by SuggestiMate
The possibility to switch the icon size at the bottom of the page to the left
"Icon S M L"
does not work any more.
On click the page refreshes and the "active marker" jumps accordingly - but the icon size stays the same. (They look like the M or S I had been used to)
[JENKINS-69065] Icon size "S M L" at the left bottom of the page doesn't work any more
ok, the size differences I see in your video, are near to nothing compared to the previous LTS.
Is this intentional ?
To me on my instance, it looks like no change at all.
(Looking at a sectioned view with jobs . similar to what you show)
Let me check my plugin list for suspicious stuff - any ideas welcome.
Here is our plugin list:
ace-editor JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1
analysis-model-api Analysis Model API Plugin 10.13.0
antisamy-markup-formatter OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 2.7
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin 4.5.13-1.0
authentication-tokens Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.4
bootstrap4-api Bootstrap 4 API Plugin 4.6.0-5
bootstrap5-api Bootstrap 5 API Plugin 5.1.3-7
bouncycastle-api bouncycastle API Plugin 2.26
branch-api Branch API Plugin 2.1046.v0ca_37783ecc5
build-timeout Build Timeout 1.20
buildtriggerbadge Build Trigger Badge Plugin 251.vdf6ef853f3f5
build-user-vars-plugin build user vars plugin 1.8
caffeine-api Caffeine API Plugin 2.9.3-65.v6a_47d0f4d1fe
checks-api Checks API plugin 1.7.4
claim Claim Plugin 2.18.2
cloudbees-folder Folders Plugin 6.729.v2b_9d1a_74d673
command-launcher Command Agent Launcher Plugin 81.v9c2cb_cb_db_392
conditional-buildstep Conditional BuildStep 1.4.2
copyartifact Copy Artifact Plugin 1.46.4
credentials-binding Credentials Binding Plugin 523.vd859a_4b_122e6
credentials Credentials Plugin 1087.1089.v2f1b_9a_b_040e4
dashboard-view Dashboard View 2.432.va_712ce35862d
data-tables-api DataTables.net API Plugin 1.12.1-2
depgraph-view Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin 1.0.5
description-setter description setter plugin 1.9-SNAPSHOT (private-02/02/2012 18:07-dems00e7)
display-url-api Display URL API 2.3.5
docker-commons Docker Commons Plugin 1.19
durable-task Durable Task Plugin 496.va67c6f9eefa7
echarts-api ECharts API Plugin 5.3.3-1
email-ext Email Extension Plugin 2.89
envinject-api EnvInject API Plugin 1.192.va_13643e71792
envinject Environment Injector Plugin 2.847.vb_fa_18490fa_d6
extended-read-permission Extended Read Permission Plugin 3.2
external-monitor-job External Monitor Job Type Plugin 191.v363d0d1efdf8
extra-columns Extra Columns Plugin 1.25
font-awesome-api Font Awesome API Plugin 6.1.1-1
forensics-api Forensics API Plugin 1.15.1
gerrit-trigger Gerrit Trigger 2.36.0
git-client Git client plugin 3.11.0
git Git plugin 4.11.0
git-server GIT server Plugin 1.11
groovy Groovy 442.v817e6d937d6c
handlebars JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 3.0.8
htmlpublisher HTML Publisher plugin 1.30
jackson2-api Jackson 2 API Plugin 2.13.3-285.vc03c0256d517
javadoc Javadoc Plugin 217.v905b_86277a_2a_
javax-activation-api JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API 1.2.0-3
javax-mail-api JavaMail API 1.6.2-6
jaxb JAXB plugin 2.3.6-1
jdk-tool Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin 1.5
jenkinslint JenkinsLint Plugin 0.14.0
jjwt-api Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) Plugin 0.11.5-77.v646c772fddb_0
jnr-posix-api jnr-posix API Plugin 3.1.7-3
jobConfigHistory Job Configuration History Plugin 1139.v888b_656ca_f6d
jquery3-api JQuery3 API Plugin 3.6.0-4
jquery-detached JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
jquery jQuery plugin 1.12.4-1
jsch JSch dependency plugin
junit JUnit Plugin 1.54
ldap LDAP Plugin 2.9
leastload Least Load plugin 3.0.0
lockable-resources Lockable Resources plugin 2.15
log-parser Log Parser Plugin 2.2
mailer Mailer Plugin 414.vcc4c33714601
mapdb-api MapDB API Plugin
matrix-auth Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 3.1.5
matrix-project Matrix Project Plugin 772.v494f19991984
maven-plugin Maven Integration plugin 3.16
mina-sshd-api-common Mina SSHD API :: Common 2.8.0-30.vf9df64641cb_d
mina-sshd-api-core Mina SSHD API :: Core 2.8.0-30.vf9df64641cb_d
modernstatus Modern Status 1.3
momentjs JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
monitoring Monitoring 1.91.0
naginator Naginator 1.18.1
nested-view Nested View Plugin 1.24
okhttp-api OkHttp Plugin 4.9.3-105.vb96869f8ac3a
pam-auth PAM Authentication plugin 1.8
parameterized-trigger Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.42
pipeline-build-step Pipeline: Build Step 2.18
pipeline-graph-analysis Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 195.v5812d95a_a_2f9
pipeline-groovy-lib Pipeline: Groovy Libraries 593.va_a_fc25d520e9
pipeline-input-step Pipeline: Input Step 449.v77f0e8b_845c4
pipeline-milestone-step Pipeline: Milestone Step 101.vd572fef9d926
pipeline-model-api Pipeline: Model API 1.9.3
pipeline-model-definition Pipeline: Declarative 1.9.3
pipeline-model-extensions Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API 1.9.3
pipeline-rest-api Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.24
pipeline-stage-step Pipeline: Stage Step 293.v200037eefcd5
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 1.9.3
pipeline-stage-view Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.24
plain-credentials Plain Credentials Plugin 1.8
plugin-usage-plugin Plugin Usage - Plugin 3.0
plugin-util-api Plugin Utilities API Plugin 2.17.0
popper2-api Popper.js 2 API Plugin 2.11.5-2
popper-api Popper.js API Plugin 1.16.1-3
postbuild-task Post build task 1.9
PrioritySorter Priority Sorter Plugin 4.1.0
promoted-builds promoted builds plugin 3.10-FULLFINGERPRINTDISCOVERY1
rebuild Rebuilder 1.34
resource-disposer Resource Disposer Plugin 0.19
role-strategy Role-based Authorization Strategy 530.ved5445d4875a_
run-condition Run Condition Plugin 1.5
saferestart Safe Restart Plugin 0.3
saml SAML Plugin 2.298.vc7a_2b_3958628
scm-api SCM API Plugin 608.vfa_f971c5a_a_e9
script-security Script Security Plugin 1138.v8e727069a_025
sectioned-view Sectioned View Plugin 1.25
sidebar-link Sidebar Link 2.1.0
simple-theme-plugin Simple Theme Plugin 103.va_161d09c38c7
snakeyaml-api SnakeYAML API Plugin 1.30.2-76.vc104f7ce9870
ssh-credentials SSH Credentials Plugin 277.v95c2fec1c047
sshd SSH server 3.242.va_db_9da_b_26a_c3
ssh-slaves SSH Build Agents plugin 1.821.vd834f8a_c390e
startup-trigger-plugin Startup Trigger 2.9.3
structs Structs Plugin 318.va_f3ccb_729b_71
subversion Subversion Plug-in 2.15.5
throttle-concurrents Throttle Concurrent Builds Plug-in 2.8
timestamper Timestamper 1.18
token-macro Token Macro Plugin 293.v283932a_0a_b_49
trilead-api Trilead API Plugin 1.67.vc3938a_35172f
variant Variant Plugin 1.4
versioncolumn Versions Node Monitors plugin 2.2
view-job-filters View Job Filters 2.3
windows-slaves WMI Windows Agents Plugin 1.8.1
workflow-aggregator Pipeline 590.v6a_d052e5a_a_b_5
workflow-api Pipeline: API 1153.vb_912c0e47fb_a_
workflow-basic-steps Pipeline: Basic Steps 2.24
workflow-cps-global-lib Pipeline: Deprecated Groovy Libraries 588.v576c103a_ff86
workflow-cps Pipeline: Groovy 2660.vb_c0412dc4e6d
workflow-durable-task-step Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 1139.v252a_e12e8463
workflow-job Pipeline: Job 1145.v7f2433caa07f
workflow-multibranch Pipeline: Multibranch 716.vc692a_e52371b_
workflow-scm-step Pipeline: SCM Step 400.v6b_89a_1317c9a_
workflow-step-api Pipeline: Step API 625.vd896b_f445a_f8
workflow-support Pipeline: Supporting APIs 813.vb_d7c3d2984a_0
ws-cleanup Workspace Cleanup Plugin 0.42
On the "Al!" view it works - but not on our sectioned views we use "everywhere"
Can you provide some more information, like the plugins you are using and the view you try this on? I'm unable to replicate that on ci.jenkins.io running on 2.346.2
ci.jenkins.io working.mp4