Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins docker image 2.364
Plugins installed:
branch-api Branch API Plugin 2.1046.v0ca_37783ecc5
pipeline-stage-step Pipeline: Stage Step 293.v200037eefcd5
blueocean-config Config API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
pipeline-model-extensions Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API 2.2114.v2654ca_721309
workflow-durable-task-step Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 1199.v02b_9244f8064
windows-slaves WMI Windows Agents Plugin 1.8.1
popper2-api Popper.js 2 API Plugin 2.11.5-2
ace-editor JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1
ansible-tower Ansible Tower Plugin 0.16.0
ant Ant Plugin 475.vf34069fef73c
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin 4.5.13-138.v4e7d9a_7b_a_e61
authentication-tokens Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.4
blueocean-autofavorite Autofavorite for Blue Ocean 1.2.5
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-commons Common API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-jira JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-core-js Blue Ocean Core JS 1.25.6
blueocean-dashboard Dashboard for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-display-url Display URL for Blue Ocean 2.4.1
blueocean-events Events API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-git-pipeline Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-github-pipeline GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-i18n i18n for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-executor-info DEPRECATED Blue Ocean Executor Info 1.25.6
blueocean-jwt JWT for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-rest-impl REST Implementation for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-rest REST API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-web Web for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
blueocean-pipeline-editor Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor 1.25.6
blueocean Blue Ocean 1.25.6
bouncycastle-api bouncycastle API Plugin 2.26
durable-task Durable Task Plugin 500.v8927d9fd99d8
build-timeout Build Timeout 1.21
cloud-stats Cloud Statistics Plugin 0.27
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 785.ve724eb_44e286
cloudbees-folder Folders Plugin 6.758.vfd75d09eea_a_1
command-launcher Command Agent Launcher Plugin 84.v4a_97f2027398
config-file-provider Config File Provider Plugin 3.11.1
credentials-binding Credentials Binding Plugin 523.vd859a_4b_122e6
credentials Credentials Plugin 1139.veb_9579fca_33b_
okhttp-api OkHttp Plugin 4.9.3-108.v0feda04578cf
display-url-api Display URL API 2.3.6
docker-commons Docker Commons Plugin 1.19
docker-java-api Docker API Plugin 3.2.13-37.vf3411c9828b9
docker-workflow Docker Pipeline 521.v1a_a_dd2073b_2e
junit JUnit Plugin 1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561
email-ext Email Extension Plugin 2.91
favorite Favorite 2.4.1
git-client Git client plugin 3.11.2
git-server Git server Plugin 99.va_0826a_b_cdfa_d
workflow-cps-global-lib Pipeline: Deprecated Groovy Libraries 588.v576c103a_ff86
github-api GitHub API Plugin 1.303-400.v35c2d8258028
github-branch-source GitHub Branch Source Plugin 1677.v731f745ea_0cf
variant Variant Plugin 59.vf075fe829ccb
gradle Gradle Plugin 1.39.4
handlebars JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 3.0.8
handy-uri-templates-2-api Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin 2.1.8-22.v77d5b_75e6953
htmlpublisher HTML Publisher plugin 1.30
icon-shim Icon Shim 3.0.0
ivy Ivy Plugin 2.2
jackson2-api Jackson 2 API Plugin 2.13.3-285.vc03c0256d517
javadoc Javadoc Plugin 226.v71211feb_e7e9
jdk-tool Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin 55.v1b_32b_6ca_f9ca
jenkins-design-language Design Language 1.25.6
jira Jira plugin 3.7.1
jquery-detached JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
jsch JSch dependency plugin
matrix-auth Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 3.1.5
ldap LDAP Plugin 2.11
lockable-resources Lockable Resources plugin 2.16
mailer Mailer Plugin 438.v02c7f0a_12fa_4
mapdb-api MapDB API Plugin 1.0.9-28.vf251ce40855d
pipeline-build-step Pipeline: Build Step 2.18
matrix-project Matrix Project Plugin 785.v06b_7f47b_c631
support-core Support Core Plugin 1204.v7ee88742a_53f
mercurial Mercurial plugin 2.16.2
momentjs JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
pam-auth PAM Authentication plugin 1.10
pipeline-input-step Pipeline: Input Step 449.v77f0e8b_845c4
pipeline-github-lib Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries 38.v445716ea_edda_
pipeline-graph-analysis Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 195.v5812d95a_a_2f9
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 2.2114.v2654ca_721309
pipeline-milestone-step Pipeline: Milestone Step 101.vd572fef9d926
pipeline-model-api Pipeline: Model API 2.2114.v2654ca_721309
pipeline-model-declarative-agent Pipeline: Declarative Agent API 1.1.1
pipeline-model-definition Pipeline: Declarative 2.2114.v2654ca_721309
token-macro Token Macro Plugin 308.v4f2b_ed62b_b_16
pipeline-rest-api Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.24
resource-disposer Resource Disposer Plugin 0.19
pipeline-stage-view Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.24
plain-credentials Plain Credentials Plugin 139.ved2b_9cf7587b
pubsub-light Pub-Sub "light" Bus 1.17
scm-api SCM API Plugin 621.vda_a_b_055e58f7
script-security Script Security Plugin 1175.v4b_d517d6db_f0
selenium Selenium Plugin 3.141.59
splunk-devops Splunk Plugin 1.10.0
sse-gateway Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin 1.26
ssh-agent SSH Agent Plugin 295.v9ca_a_1c7cc3a_a_
ssh-credentials SSH Credentials Plugin 295.vced876c18eb_4
ssh-slaves SSH Build Agents plugin 1.834.v622da_57f702c
structs Structs Plugin 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d
subversion Subversion Plug-in 2.16.0
timestamper Timestamper 1.18
workflow-basic-steps Pipeline: Basic Steps 991.v43d80fea_ff66
workflow-aggregator Pipeline 590.v6a_d052e5a_a_b_5
workflow-api Pipeline: API 1192.v2d0deb_19d212
workflow-support Pipeline: Supporting APIs 838.va_3a_087b_4055b
workflow-cps Pipeline: Groovy 2759.v87459c4eea_ca_
jquery jQuery plugin 1.12.4-1
workflow-job Pipeline: Job 1232.v5a_4c994312f1
blueocean-personalization Personalization for Blue Ocean 1.25.6
workflow-multibranch Pipeline: Multibranch 716.vc692a_e52371b_
workflow-scm-step Pipeline: SCM Step 400.v6b_89a_1317c9a_
workflow-step-api Pipeline: Step API 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_
ws-cleanup Workspace Cleanup Plugin 0.42
git Git plugin 4.11.4
external-monitor-job External Monitor Job Type Plugin 192.ve979ca_8b_3ccd
pipeline-utility-steps Pipeline Utility Steps 2.13.0
jquery-ui jQuery UI plugin 1.0.2
role-strategy Role-based Authorization Strategy 555.v8d194cc85b_30
github GitHub plugin 1.34.5 (1.35.0)
trilead-api Trilead API Plugin 1.71.v9e7860a_67a_df
docker-swarm Docker Swarm Plugin 1.11
saml SAML Plugin 2.333.vc81e525974a_c
extended-read-permission Extended Read Permission Plugin 3.2
snakeyaml-api SnakeYAML API Plugin 1.30.2-76.vc104f7ce9870
jquery3-api JQuery3 API Plugin 3.6.0-4
plugin-util-api Plugin Utilities API Plugin 2.17.0
echarts-api ECharts API Plugin 5.3.3-1
ibm-ucdeploy-build-steps IBM UrbanCode Deploy Pipeline (Build Steps) Plugin 2.9.993392
font-awesome-api Font Awesome API Plugin 6.1.2-1
popper-api Popper.js API Plugin 1.16.1-3
bootstrap4-api Bootstrap 4 API Plugin 4.6.0-5
antisamy-markup-formatter OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 2.7
metrics Metrics Plugin 4.2.10-389.v93143621b_050
jnr-posix-api jnr-posix API Plugin 3.1.15-1
checks-api Checks API plugin 1.7.5
sshd SSH server 3.249.v2dc2ea_416e33
yet-another-docker-plugin Yet Another Docker Plugin 0.2.0
jjwt-api Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) Plugin 0.11.5-77.v646c772fddb_0
caffeine-api Caffeine API Plugin 2.9.3-65.v6a_47d0f4d1fe
bootstrap5-api Bootstrap 5 API Plugin 5.2.0-1
jaxb JAXB plugin 2.3.6-1
javax-mail-api JavaMail API 1.6.2-7
javax-activation-api JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API 1.2.0-4
mina-sshd-api-common Mina SSHD API :: Common 2.8.0-36.v8e25ce90d4b_1
maven-plugin Maven Integration plugin 3.19
mina-sshd-api-core Mina SSHD API :: Core 2.8.0-36.v8e25ce90d4b_1
instance-identity Instance Identity 116.vf8f487400980
thycotic-secret-server Thycotic Secret Server Plugin 1.0.2
docker-plugin Docker plugin 1.2.9
pipeline-groovy-lib Pipeline: Groovy Libraries 612.v84da_9c54906d
jakarta-activation-api Jakarta Activation API 2.0.1-1
jakarta-mail-api Jakarta Mail API 2.0.1-1
Jenkins docker image 2.364 Plugins installed: branch-api Branch API Plugin 2.1046.v0ca_37783ecc5 pipeline-stage-step Pipeline: Stage Step 293.v200037eefcd5 blueocean-config Config API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 pipeline-model-extensions Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API 2.2114.v2654ca_721309 workflow-durable-task-step Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 1199.v02b_9244f8064 windows-slaves WMI Windows Agents Plugin 1.8.1 popper2-api Popper.js 2 API Plugin 2.11.5-2 ace-editor JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1 ansible-tower Ansible Tower Plugin 0.16.0 ant Ant Plugin 475.vf34069fef73c apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin 4.5.13-138.v4e7d9a_7b_a_e61 authentication-tokens Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.4 blueocean-autofavorite Autofavorite for Blue Ocean 1.2.5 blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-commons Common API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-jira JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-core-js Blue Ocean Core JS 1.25.6 blueocean-dashboard Dashboard for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-display-url Display URL for Blue Ocean 2.4.1 blueocean-events Events API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-git-pipeline Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-github-pipeline GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-i18n i18n for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-executor-info DEPRECATED Blue Ocean Executor Info 1.25.6 blueocean-jwt JWT for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-pipeline-api-impl Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-pipeline-scm-api Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-rest-impl REST Implementation for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-rest REST API for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-web Web for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 blueocean-pipeline-editor Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor 1.25.6 blueocean Blue Ocean 1.25.6 bouncycastle-api bouncycastle API Plugin 2.26 durable-task Durable Task Plugin 500.v8927d9fd99d8 build-timeout Build Timeout 1.21 cloud-stats Cloud Statistics Plugin 0.27 cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 785.ve724eb_44e286 cloudbees-folder Folders Plugin 6.758.vfd75d09eea_a_1 command-launcher Command Agent Launcher Plugin 84.v4a_97f2027398 config-file-provider Config File Provider Plugin 3.11.1 credentials-binding Credentials Binding Plugin 523.vd859a_4b_122e6 credentials Credentials Plugin 1139.veb_9579fca_33b_ okhttp-api OkHttp Plugin 4.9.3-108.v0feda04578cf display-url-api Display URL API 2.3.6 docker-commons Docker Commons Plugin 1.19 docker-java-api Docker API Plugin 3.2.13-37.vf3411c9828b9 docker-workflow Docker Pipeline 521.v1a_a_dd2073b_2e junit JUnit Plugin 1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561 email-ext Email Extension Plugin 2.91 favorite Favorite 2.4.1 git-client Git client plugin 3.11.2 git-server Git server Plugin 99.va_0826a_b_cdfa_d workflow-cps-global-lib Pipeline: Deprecated Groovy Libraries 588.v576c103a_ff86 github-api GitHub API Plugin 1.303-400.v35c2d8258028 github-branch-source GitHub Branch Source Plugin 1677.v731f745ea_0cf variant Variant Plugin 59.vf075fe829ccb gradle Gradle Plugin 1.39.4 handlebars JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 3.0.8 handy-uri-templates-2-api Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin 2.1.8-22.v77d5b_75e6953 htmlpublisher HTML Publisher plugin 1.30 icon-shim Icon Shim 3.0.0 ivy Ivy Plugin 2.2 jackson2-api Jackson 2 API Plugin 2.13.3-285.vc03c0256d517 javadoc Javadoc Plugin 226.v71211feb_e7e9 jdk-tool Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin 55.v1b_32b_6ca_f9ca jenkins-design-language Design Language 1.25.6 jira Jira plugin 3.7.1 jquery-detached JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1 jsch JSch dependency plugin matrix-auth Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 3.1.5 ldap LDAP Plugin 2.11 lockable-resources Lockable Resources plugin 2.16 mailer Mailer Plugin 438.v02c7f0a_12fa_4 mapdb-api MapDB API Plugin 1.0.9-28.vf251ce40855d pipeline-build-step Pipeline: Build Step 2.18 matrix-project Matrix Project Plugin 785.v06b_7f47b_c631 support-core Support Core Plugin 1204.v7ee88742a_53f mercurial Mercurial plugin 2.16.2 momentjs JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1 pam-auth PAM Authentication plugin 1.10 pipeline-input-step Pipeline: Input Step 449.v77f0e8b_845c4 pipeline-github-lib Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries 38.v445716ea_edda_ pipeline-graph-analysis Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 195.v5812d95a_a_2f9 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 2.2114.v2654ca_721309 pipeline-milestone-step Pipeline: Milestone Step 101.vd572fef9d926 pipeline-model-api Pipeline: Model API 2.2114.v2654ca_721309 pipeline-model-declarative-agent Pipeline: Declarative Agent API 1.1.1 pipeline-model-definition Pipeline: Declarative 2.2114.v2654ca_721309 token-macro Token Macro Plugin 308.v4f2b_ed62b_b_16 pipeline-rest-api Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.24 resource-disposer Resource Disposer Plugin 0.19 pipeline-stage-view Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.24 plain-credentials Plain Credentials Plugin 139.ved2b_9cf7587b pubsub-light Pub-Sub "light" Bus 1.17 scm-api SCM API Plugin 621.vda_a_b_055e58f7 script-security Script Security Plugin 1175.v4b_d517d6db_f0 selenium Selenium Plugin 3.141.59 splunk-devops Splunk Plugin 1.10.0 sse-gateway Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin 1.26 ssh-agent SSH Agent Plugin 295.v9ca_a_1c7cc3a_a_ ssh-credentials SSH Credentials Plugin 295.vced876c18eb_4 ssh-slaves SSH Build Agents plugin 1.834.v622da_57f702c structs Structs Plugin 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d subversion Subversion Plug-in 2.16.0 timestamper Timestamper 1.18 workflow-basic-steps Pipeline: Basic Steps 991.v43d80fea_ff66 workflow-aggregator Pipeline 590.v6a_d052e5a_a_b_5 workflow-api Pipeline: API 1192.v2d0deb_19d212 workflow-support Pipeline: Supporting APIs 838.va_3a_087b_4055b workflow-cps Pipeline: Groovy 2759.v87459c4eea_ca_ jquery jQuery plugin 1.12.4-1 workflow-job Pipeline: Job 1232.v5a_4c994312f1 blueocean-personalization Personalization for Blue Ocean 1.25.6 workflow-multibranch Pipeline: Multibranch 716.vc692a_e52371b_ workflow-scm-step Pipeline: SCM Step 400.v6b_89a_1317c9a_ workflow-step-api Pipeline: Step API 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_ ws-cleanup Workspace Cleanup Plugin 0.42 git Git plugin 4.11.4 external-monitor-job External Monitor Job Type Plugin 192.ve979ca_8b_3ccd pipeline-utility-steps Pipeline Utility Steps 2.13.0 jquery-ui jQuery UI plugin 1.0.2 role-strategy Role-based Authorization Strategy 555.v8d194cc85b_30 github GitHub plugin 1.34.5 (1.35.0) trilead-api Trilead API Plugin 1.71.v9e7860a_67a_df docker-swarm Docker Swarm Plugin 1.11 saml SAML Plugin 2.333.vc81e525974a_c extended-read-permission Extended Read Permission Plugin 3.2 snakeyaml-api SnakeYAML API Plugin 1.30.2-76.vc104f7ce9870 jquery3-api JQuery3 API Plugin 3.6.0-4 plugin-util-api Plugin Utilities API Plugin 2.17.0 echarts-api ECharts API Plugin 5.3.3-1 ibm-ucdeploy-build-steps IBM UrbanCode Deploy Pipeline (Build Steps) Plugin 2.9.993392 font-awesome-api Font Awesome API Plugin 6.1.2-1 popper-api Popper.js API Plugin 1.16.1-3 bootstrap4-api Bootstrap 4 API Plugin 4.6.0-5 antisamy-markup-formatter OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 2.7 metrics Metrics Plugin 4.2.10-389.v93143621b_050 jnr-posix-api jnr-posix API Plugin 3.1.15-1 checks-api Checks API plugin 1.7.5 sshd SSH server 3.249.v2dc2ea_416e33 yet-another-docker-plugin Yet Another Docker Plugin 0.2.0 jjwt-api Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) Plugin 0.11.5-77.v646c772fddb_0 caffeine-api Caffeine API Plugin 2.9.3-65.v6a_47d0f4d1fe bootstrap5-api Bootstrap 5 API Plugin 5.2.0-1 jaxb JAXB plugin 2.3.6-1 javax-mail-api JavaMail API 1.6.2-7 javax-activation-api JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API 1.2.0-4 mina-sshd-api-common Mina SSHD API :: Common 2.8.0-36.v8e25ce90d4b_1 maven-plugin Maven Integration plugin 3.19 mina-sshd-api-core Mina SSHD API :: Core 2.8.0-36.v8e25ce90d4b_1 instance-identity Instance Identity 116.vf8f487400980 thycotic-secret-server Thycotic Secret Server Plugin 1.0.2 docker-plugin Docker plugin 1.2.9 pipeline-groovy-lib Pipeline: Groovy Libraries 612.v84da_9c54906d jakarta-activation-api Jakarta Activation API 2.0.1-1 jakarta-mail-api Jakarta Mail API 2.0.1-1
In Jenkins 2.364, when creating a container to perform a build, the JNLP launcher is failing with a 403 forbidden.
I'm able to recreate the problem with both the Docker and YetAnotherDocker plugins. I'm also able to recreate the problem on the command line.
Rolling back to Jenkins version 2.363 corrects the issue.
YetAnotherDocker Output:
+ RUN_CMD='su - jenkins -c '"'"'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################'"'"
+ eval 'su - jenkins -c '"'"'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################'"'"
+ su - jenkins -c 'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################'
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:567)
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346)
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514)
... 2 more
Command Line:
bash-5.1# curl -sO https://pipeline.#####.com/test/jnlpJars/agent.jar
bash-5.1# java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################
Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true
java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514)
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346)
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297)
Waiting 10 seconds before retry
Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true
java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514)
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346)
at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297)
Waiting 10 seconds before retry
[JENKINS-69370] New inbound agent URLs are not accessible by agents (regression in 2.364)
Description |
In Jenkins 2.364, when creating a container to perform a build, the JNLP launcher is failing with a 403 forbidden.
I'm able to recreate the problem with both the Docker and YetAnotherDocker plugins. I'm also able to recreate the problem on the command line. *Rolling back to Jenkins version 2.363 corrects the issue.* *YetAnotherDocker Output:* + RUN_CMD='su - jenkins -c '"'"'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################'"'" + eval 'su - jenkins -c '"'"'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################'"'" + su - jenkins -c 'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################' Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:567) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297) Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514) ... 2 more *Command Line: * bash-5.1# curl -sO https://pipeline.#####.com/test/jnlpJars/agent.jar bash-5.1# java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp -secret ######################################################## Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297) Waiting 10 seconds before retry Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297) Waiting 10 seconds before retry |
In Jenkins 2.364, when creating a container to perform a build, the JNLP launcher is failing with a 403 forbidden.
I'm able to recreate the problem with both the Docker and YetAnotherDocker plugins. I'm also able to recreate the problem on the command line. *Rolling back to Jenkins version 2.363 corrects the issue.* *YetAnotherDocker Output:* + RUN_CMD='su - jenkins -c '"'"'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################'"'" + eval 'su - jenkins -c '"'"'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################'"'" + su - jenkins -c 'java -Xmn1G -Xms4G -jar slave.jar -noReconnect -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp -secret ########################################################' Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:567) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297) Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test//manage/computer/corp%2Djenkins%2Dyad%2Df4ceb4c4b385//slave-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514) ... 2 more *Command Line:* bash-5.1# curl -sO https://pipeline.#####.com/test/jnlpJars/agent.jar bash-5.1# java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp -secret ######################################################## Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297) Waiting 10 seconds before retry Failed to obtain https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://pipeline.#####.com/test/manage/computer/jenkins%2Dbc%2Ddid%2D000k7zi0cecag/jenkins-agent.jnlp?encrypt=true: 403 Forbidden at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(Launcher.java:514) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:346) at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:297) Waiting 10 seconds before retry |
Attachment | New: image-2022-08-18-07-18-08-267.png [ 58783 ] |
Assignee | Original: Carlos Sanchez [ csanchez ] |
Summary | Original: Plugins Docker and YetAnotherDocker are receiving 403 forbidding when using JNLP | New: Agents are receiving 403 forbidding when using JNLP |
Component/s | New: core [ 15593 ] | |
Component/s | Original: docker [ 20834 ] |
What version of agent.jar, and what is the stack trace logged by the controller when the 403 occurs on the agent side?