When the "other" fild is left empty seleniumhq fails with the following error, at least with firefox:
[workspace] $ java -jar /home/marco/Desktop/selenium-server-1.0.3/selenium-server.jar -htmlSuite *firefox http://localhost/ /home/marco/Desktop/testsuite.html /var/lib/hudson/jobs/ewsi/workspace/ewsi-svn/result.html
unrecognized argument :
Usage: java -jar selenium-server.jar [-interactive] [options]
-port <nnnn>: the port number the selenium server should use
(default 4444)
-timeout <nnnn>: an integer number of seconds before we should give
...Publishing Selenium report...
ERROR: Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did tests run?
For example, /var/lib/hudson/jobs/ewsi/workspace/ewsi-svn/result.html is 39 min old
Finished: FAILURE
This is because the plugin just tests if the string with additional arguments is "null", and not if the string ist empty.
The provided patch should fix this.