pipeline { agent {label 'windows'} parameters { choice(choices: ['22.03', '20.03', '22.09'], name: 'release') } environment { release_version = '0' } stages { stage('prepare') { steps { script { nstdout = bat(returnStdout: true, script: '@python get_sp_version.py %release%').trim() release_version = nstdout println("stdout ####" + release_version + "###########") } bat "echo %release_version%.%BUILD_NUMBER%" echo "${release_version}.${BUILD_NUMBER}" } } } }
The code above will output like:
stdout ####2203.1########### 0.47 2203.1.47
2203.1 is the value of the nstdout and release_version.
My expected output is
stdout ####2203.1########### 2203.1.47 2203.1.47
Am i missing something?
IMO the env var can be accessed by the bat script directly, right?
You'll have better results if you ask questions related to the use of Pipeline in the community forum https://community.jenkins.io or in the gitter chat https://gitter.im/jenkinsci/jenkins . We use the Jenkins issue tracker to track bugs and enhancements. I'm reasonably confident this is not a bug.