#1762 (Aug 6, 2010 10:53:13 AM)
60154. [MIFOS-3328], partially. Added service facade for viewing product categories — Mohammad Shahiduzzaman / gitweb
7. Addig missing files in previous commit — Mohammad Shahiduzzaman / gitweb
8. Supressed unknown findbugs warning temporarily to clear build failure — Mohammad Shahiduzzaman / gitweb
9. [MIFOS-3328], Added service facade for load/create/update product categories — Mohammad Shahiduzzaman / gitweb
4. productMixDetails controller and static ftl pages without form binding — vishnukmit / gitweb
6. MIFOS-3329: add copyright to files — Keith Woodlock / gitweb
35. MIFOS-3320: refactor holiday service facade and dtos and bring in viewHolidays.ftl for link — Keith Woodlock / gitweb
36. total flow of viewFunds page — vishnukmit / gitweb
8756. cleaned EditFundsController — vishnukmit / gitweb
8757. MIFOS-3320: add security and put back in old link for view holidays — Keith Woodlock / gitweb
8758. fix failing acceptance tests — Keith Woodlock / gitweb
1001. fix failing acceptance tests (again) — Keith Woodlock / gitweb